Chapter 32- A Birthday Surprise

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I woke with a start. It was my birthday! I was 16 years old! I got up and dressed and put my hair up in a bun. I could barely contain my excitement. I bounced on my heels and I brushed my teeth.

I was about to walk out the door, when I realized: if I wanted to do anything, I'd have to wake my friends on my own birthday. That seemed so shallow.

But, my troubles were taken care of when there was a knock on my door. I opened it and before I could even see who it was someone yelled, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!"

I smiled as everyone's face came into view. Jackson, Rainy, and Sky were standing at the front of a group of people. Behind them was Katrina, Bree, Marisa, Tyson, Tanner, and even Michael.

"Awwww thank you guys so much! You are amazing! I can't believe you even remembered!" I said, beaming. "We didn't." Katrina said. "Your boyfriend did." Katrina shoved Jackson playfully as we both blushed.

I was about to say "He's not my boyfriend!" when I remembered we were dating now. "Well, thank you anyway." I said. "You guys can come in, but I don't know if there's enough room."

So everyone filed in and sat anywhere there was room. I ran into the bedroom and grabbed pillows for people to sit on. When all was said and done, every one was either sitting on a pillow or at the table.

"Guys, this is really sweet, but I still have to so to lessons today and-" I stopped. I realized my two trainers were sitting across the room from me.

"Wait... What's happening?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. "Well, you see, none of us have lessons today because we're going on a little field trip." Rainy said with a mocking smile. "We are going to take you home."


I felt my jaw drop. "W-What?" "Well, for a visit. You can get some things from your house, see your family. Celebrate your birthday." Tanner explained.

"It was all Jackson's idea, he said all you could talk about was wanting to go home. We got permission from Mr. Blackwood, but we have to be back before 5 o'clock. Camp rules." Rainy said.

I nodded. "What if one of those cloak guys attacks again?" I asked, my voice shaking with- with what? Excitement? Nervousness? Terror?

"We have that covered. Michael, Tanner, and Katrina will gaurs the outside of the house. Marisa and Bree are also going to help, but from the inside. Sky, me, and Jackson are going to stay with you." Rainy exclaimed.

"Uh, Rose, you're really pale. Are you okay?" Sky walked over and put her hand on my shoulder. I nodded slowly. "Do I need to take anything with me? Weapons? Food?"

"Yeah, weapons. Like, your belt with your sword and daggers and things." Replied Sky. I got up and headed into my bedroom. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I was really pale.

I decided to change shirts so I looked more like me. I put on the short I'd had on when I left over a week ago. I slipped my weapons belt on and placed my sword and daggers in the slots.

Then, I took a few shaky breaths, and walked back out of the bedroom. "Lets go."


We walked to my house in less than an hour, which is good time considering how slow I was walking. My heart had decided to thump loudly in my ears like a drum. It was annoying.

Once we entered my neighborhood, I felt like I was going to throw up. And when my house came into view, I had to lean on Rainy for support.

Then we reached the front door.

I walked to the front of the group, and rang the doorbell. I remembered the sound of it from when the police had come to our house to tell my mom and I that my dad was dead. After the longest five minutes of my life, the door opened.

It was my little brother.

I cried out and ran to him. I picked him up and hugged him as hard as I possibly could without hurting him. "Max." "Ro."

I cried as I put him down. "You've grown." I said through sobs. He was only 10 years old. "So have you." He said. If I hadn't known my brother, I'd say he was crying too, but he wouldn't do that. Couldn't. He's the great Max Clearwater. And he's a mortal.

"I've missed you so much." I cried, kneeling down to look at him eye-level. Then, Winston came thudding through the house and almost tackled me. I laughed harder than I had in a long time.

"Winston!" The bulldog licked my face till I was soaked, then let me hug him. I sobbed, but only once as the familiar feel of the puppy's fur calmed me.

Then the worst thing that possibly could happen happened. My mom walked up to the door.

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