Chapter 56- More Hopes Lost

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"Ah, little magicians. I told you I would win. I told you." Castor mocked. I stood and glared at Castor. "I have an idea. Why don't I go next." I growled.

Jackson's eyes got wide, and he started to panic. "What? No, no, no, you don't! Rose!" He yelled, trying to pull me back. I turned around and gave him a look that hopefully read as "trust me".

I pulled my arm from his grasp, and walked up to Castor. "What do you think will happen if you volunteer you little life? It won't stop me, stupid girl. Don't you understand?" Castor asked, glaring at me.

"I don't think anything." Was all I said. Then, I drew my sword, and pointed it at Castor's throat. Jackson did the same. Tanner, though shocked, called magic to his hands. Katrina drew her sword, and stood guard. Rainy stood, still by Sky, and drew her sword.

"Game over." Jackson said. Castor pretended to look shocked. He then waved his hand, and Jackson's sword flew from his hands. I gripped mine harder, but Castor knocked mine away too.

"I have two types of magic in me now, children. I'm just as powerful as a fully developed Rose and Skylar combined." Fire erupted in Jackson's palms, and he grabbed Castor. Castor cried out in pain.

I called electricity to my hands, and grabbed Castor's other arm. He struggled, but he was in pain.
That backfired.

Castor started chanting, and pain erupted all throughout my body. I could tell from Jackson strangled scream, he felt it too. My electricity died, and I collapsed to the ground in pain. It was excruciating.

Jackson fought harder, but soon, his magic died, and he fell to the ground. "Rose!" I heard Rainy call. "Jackson!" Tanner yelled. The last thing I heard was Castor's triumphant laughter, before everything went black.


I saw my friends and I. We were on a hillside at Camp Magic. Everyone was smiling. Jackson's mouth moved, and everyone laughed. I couldn't hear what he said.

Then the scene shifted.

I was in a dark room. I was handcuffed to a chair. Jackson stood behind a cell. Rainy stood behind another. The same could be said for Sky, Tanner, and Katrina.

They cried for help, but I couldn't move to help them. Then, Katrina fell to the ground-dead. Then Tanner. Then Sky. Then Rainy. And last, Jackson, saying he loved me.

Then everything went black again.
I was back in my house. My mom sat next to me at our kitchen table. "Chose." My mom said. She handed me two cards. One said life and the other death. "This one." I said, taking the life card.

My mom smiled, took the death card, and disappeared. The life card glowed in my hands.


The first thing I was aware of was the pain. I felt it everywhere. My arms. My legs. My chest. My head. I groaned. I tried to move, but I couldn't.

"Rose? Can you here me?" A hoarse voice asked. I moaned in response. "Oh, thank God! You're alive!" A familiar voice said. "Rainy?" I croaked.

A figure came into view in the blackness. A girl. She had brown and blue hair. Blue eyes. "Yeah." She replied. "Where are we?" I asked.
The figure smiled. "I don't think you want to know." I sat up, pain erupting in every part of my body. The room came into view.

We were in a cell.

"What happened? Were are we? Where are the others? Where is Castor?" I rambled off the questions swimming in my head. "We're in a cell in Castor lair. Sky and Katrina are here too. Jackson and Tanner are in another cell. Castor's alive. As for what happened, it's a long story." Rainy explained.

I turned and saw Katrina sitting against the cell wall. Sky was lying next to her. "How are you, Sky?" I asked, remembering her state before I passed out. "Better then I was, I'll say. Castor still has mine, yours, and Jackson's magic." She said.

The little hope I had for my magic vanished.

"What did happen?" I asked. "Well, after Castor took Jackson and your's magic, he called the guards, and told them to take us, and any other magicians downstairs away. He was all burnt and awful from you and Jackson, so he went to get healed. That's all we know, basically." She said.

"What's the long part?" I asked, confused. "We happen to have contacted Mr. Blackwood. He said he can't help us, in our current state. He said, if we want out, we have to do it ourselves, and he's sending help for us once we're out. Problem is, we've been trying for the past hour." She explained.

I was struck with this sudden emptiness. The normal electric feel in my veins was gone. I felt like a large chunk of me was missing. On top of that, we had no way to get out of this cell, Jackson was in another cell, and no one was coming to help us.

I put my head in my hands and sighed. "What are we going to do?" Katrina asked. "Who are you asking?" I asked. "You, Rose. You are really smart. I was hoping you would think of something-" Katrina stopped when I stood abruptly.

"I am not any more special than you! Don't you understand? Everyone thought I was amazing, and special, but I'm not! I'm no different than any of you. I can't help you." I said, pacing.

"But I just thought, you know, maybe you could-" "No! I can't help you! I have no magic! I'm useless!" I yelled. I leaned against the wall and tried to refrain from banging my head against it.

"Rose. Listen to me. You're not useless. You are the best resource we have." Rainy said, pulling me away from the wall. She hugged me, and I calmed down.

"Okay. Okay. We could work from the outside in. Where's the lock?" I asked. "There isn't one. It's controlled by magic." Rainy said solemnly. "Great. That's just great." I ran my hand though my hair, making to look really messy.

"Okay. So... We- wait. Where's the door?" I was totally confused. "Here." Rainy pointed to a long crack down the wall, four cracks, actually. In the shape of a door. "That. Freakin. Sucks." I said, more to myself than anyone else.

"Alright. How about- ugh I wish I had my dagger. Or my magic... Oh well."
I paced the cell, trying to think of something.

I didn't know what to do

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