Chapter 21- Small Troblesome Things

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*****Roses point of view*****

I woke up to an annoying beeping alarm. "Ughhhhhhh." I turned it off and sat up. It was 8:30 am. "Crap, breakfast starts at 9:00!"

I got up and showered, then I looked through my trunk and found a training outfit. It was a tight gray shirt with the Camp Magic logo on it, black sweat-shorts, and special black sneakers.

I brushed through my hair, tied it up, and walked out the door. I wanted to find Rainy and tell her about what happened. I hadn't seen her in almost 2 days.

I walked up to the picnic tables and looked around. I didn't see her. I did spot Bree, Marisa, and Michael sitting at a far table. I walked over and asked, "Have any of you seem Rainy?" Marisa shook her head.

"Who?" Michael asked. "Rainy. Short. Brown and blue hair. Neon blue eyes. Seen her?" I explained.

He thought it over. "No." "Ugh. Bree? Have you seen her?" She looked up from her drawing. "Wha? Oh, yeah I saw her in the hospital wing yesterday. I had to drop off some supplies to my friend and I saw her laying on one of the beds."

My heart skipped a beat. "Thanks, Bree." "Uh, yeah, okay, no problem." She mumbled as she started drawing again.

I was about to run over to the hospital wing, but Jackson stepped in front of me. He smiled brightly. "Hey." I smiled, I couldn't help it.

"Hey." "Wow! What a wonderful vocabulary you two have!" I heard Michael say sarcastically behind me. I saw Jackson tense and he mouthed something to Michael.

He turned back to me and said, "You want to come and eat breakfast with me?" I frowned. "Well, I heard that Rainy was in the hospital, and I wanted to go and see her."

"Oh, come on! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you know?" He said. "Well, I guess a if its quick. But I have a full day of training today, so I probably won't see you until dinner." "All the more reason to eat together now."

He lead me away to an empty corner table. "What would you like? I'll get it for you." I smiled. "I think you're taking this nice thing a little to far." He laughed.

"Nice thing? What are you talking about? I'm just naturally a gentleman." I burst out laughing but Jackson just stared. I got it together and tried to look serious, but I started smiling again. "Sorry." I mumbled.

"What? Seriously though, what do you want?" He asked me. "Umm, surprise me. Oh! I don't like sausage, so bacon instead if you needed a suggestion." He nodded and walked away.

A few minutes later he came back with 2 plates. "Hold on, I left the drinks on the other table." And with that he left again. I pulled the plate closest to me over so I could examine it.

It had bacon, eggs, toast, and some grapes. Jackson came back with 2 glasses of orange juice. "Wow. You're great. Thank you, but you really didn't have to do this, I mean it's not like we're dating or anything!"

Jackson's eyes got wide. "Y-yeah. Right. No problem, Rose." I turned red and started eating some eggs. I ran through a list of topics in my mind, none of them seemed to fit, so I just continued eating.

Unlike most girls, I'm not afraid to eat a lot in front of boys I like. Jackson didn't seem to notice anyway. I ate my eggs and toast, then I ate the few pieces of bacon (I'm in love with bacon!), then, almost full, I ate some grapes, but I couldn't eat them all.

Jackson had gone to take the plates to throw the left-overs away and I told him I was going to go see Rainy.

I walked along the side of the hill so I could toy with gravity until I needed to enter the hospital.

I realized the first time I saw the hospital it was in the front room of The Mansion, but I had gone there for the meeting yesterday and only a big wooden table had been there.

I walked in anyway and I saw Mr. Blackwood sitting at a single desk in the far left corner. He was writing on notebook paper. He looked up.

"Ah, Rose. So nice to see you on a new day. What brings you here?" He said with a bright smile. "Oh, uh, I was looking for the hospital. Bree said she saw that Rainy in the hospital wing. I thought it was here." I said, embarrassed.

He just kept smiling, man this guy seemed so happy. "I'm sorry dear, the hospital was only in here for a few weeks because the old building needed some repairs. I can walk you to the hospital if you'd like?"

I nodded. "That would be great. Thank you, Mr. Blackwood."


I walked into yet another white building, it must be their thing, the magicians. There were rows and rows of one person beds with different colored sheets.

In the front the sheets were light blue, then there were rows of yellow, then at the back of the building the sheets were bright orange.

Some beds were occupied with injured or sick kids. The more severely injured seemed to be farther away, on the orange sheets, while the ones with small cuts or other small problems were right in the front.

White-robed healers walked around treating the patients. One walked up to me. It was a tall girl with light red hair.

"Alex?" The girl nodded. She was carrying a syringe with blue liquid in it. "Oh this? It's for my fire pocks patient. I feel so bad for her, she's only 12, and fire pocks is really bad. You get little burn spots on your skin like chicken pocks, it hurts bad too. I'm hoping this will calm the burning it's ice-based. Sorry for my blabbering, why are you here?"

"Oh, I heard Rainy was here?" She nodded and lead me to a yellow-sheeted bed. Then she left to a far-away bed with a young girl lying still, even from here I could see the little burn marks on her arms.

"Rainy? How- what happened to you?" I looked her over. She had an ace bandage wrapped around her arm. She also had a small bandage on her cheek where it looked like there was a small cut.

Rainy just smiled a goofy grin, but winced and touched her cheek with her good arm. "It happened in the fight the other day. I got attacked by 2 dragons at once. I killed one, but the other got mad I had killed its friend, and jumped on me. I was able to kill it, but it put a nice scratch down my arm, and cut my cheek." She explained.

"Why can't they just put healing cream on them? I had some cuts on my arm, and Alex just put some of that stuff on and they healed right up." Rainy thought it over.

"Well the cut on my arm is almost bone-deep, so healing cream can't heal them. Healing cream can only heal certain things. I had to wait a night and now I have to take a healing potion, which is much more powerful and harder to make. The only problem is, they have nothing for the pain, so I'm kinda stuck with it."

I nodded. "How long will it be till you're back in regular camp programs?" I asked. "Oh, about 2 more days. I'll be ripe and ready to go to another camp fire if you want on Friday." I smiled too. "Well, it's a date."

Rainy laughed, but winced again and sighed. I checked the time on the clock on the wall. 10:00. "Shoot! I have to go ,Rainy, sorry. Um, get well soon." I waved goodbye and walked out of the hospital.

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