Chapter 37- The Interigation

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Two Cloaked men had my arms as they lead me into The Castor Hideout. I tried to steady my heartbeat, but it just continued to beat loudly in my ears. Thump! Thump! Thump!

It was the only thing keeping me from completely loosing my mind. I was walked to a cell at the end of a long hallway. The cell was all concrete, except for the bed that was a plain mattress with a blanket sitting on the floor.

I gulped. "You'll be here until your interrogation tomorrow. Then your execution time will be scheduled based on what kind of information you will give. Get a good night sleep, little girl." Said one of the guards.

The cell door slammed shut.


I stared at the ceiling of my cell. I was here because I volunteered to be. I had done it to save my friends. My family. I'm not that important anyway.

I tried to sleep for three hours before I gave up. I paced my cell until my legs felt like rubber. I had bitten my lip raw by four o'clock in the morning. At 4:30 A.M. I finally fell asleep because of pure exhaustion.

At eight in the morning someone banged on my cell door. "Wake up!" A familiar voice yelled. I got up and stared at the figure in my cell. It was the boy with the scar. The boy who'd kissed me.

I gave him my most disgusted, horrific glare. "What do you want?" I snapped. The boy just smirked. "What, sweetheart? Am I a bad kisser?" He mocked.

I continued to glare. "Master Castor wants you. By the way, he wants to kill you." The boy whispered like it was some big secret. "What's your name?" I asked. I wanted something to call this boy, because the words I was thinking in my head I'd rather not call him out loud.

"Chase." He said. "Well, Chase, take me away." I said, holding out my hands mockingly. Chase shoved me out of the cell and through a bunch of hallways. I wasn't paying enough attention to know where I was going.

Chase walked up to a room with a locked door. Chase typed a few numbers into the key pad and with a ding! the door opened. Michael Castor was siting at a desk in the room.

There was a chair with cuffs on the arm rests siting across the desk. Michael Castor smiled as I entered and sat in the chair. "If you want me to talk, you won't hand cuff me." I said.

I glared at Chase, who had moved to do it anyway. "Leave her, Chase. If I have to I'll do it myself. She can't get away from me anyway." I gulped. Chase smiled evilly and left the room.

"What do you want from me?" I snapped. Michael Castor just laughed. "Nothing but your power, My Dear Rose." My heart skipped a beat. "My w-what?" I tried to keep my voice steady, but it didn't work.

Michael Castor grinned. "I want your power. You have a rare power. So do I. I'd like to be stronger. Get my point yet?" I laughed too.

"I'd never give my power to you! And you're a fool to think I would." The look Michael Castor gave me after I said that was a look I would remember forever. It was a look of pure evil. He had a plan, and it was an awful one. One I knew I would not like.

"You will be dead anyway. Power lives fully for 30 minutes after the heart stops. I can take it from you then." He said. I think I stopped breathing. "How do you plan to kill me?" I asked, looking at the floor. I didn't want to ask, but I had to know.

"It depends on how you answer my next question. Do you consider your father a hero, or a traitor?" I stared right into Castors eyes and said, "Hero."

Michael Castor shook his head and said, "Then you shall die slowly. Painfully. Your father was a traitor! He was planning something with our government that you could not even imagine! That why I fight your people! It's why I killed you father! They are fighting for the same thing!"

His voice went up a few octaves by the end of his little speech. "Chase!" He yelled. Chase walked in, grinning. "Take her back to her cell. Her execution is scheduled for the day after tomorrow."

My heart skipped a beat. "What? No, no, no! You- you can't do that-" I stopped at the look on Castor's face. He looked happy. "Weakness." Was all he said as Chase shoved me down the hall.


"A little tip, girl. Weakness is what Castor likes. Loves it, even. You have to be strong and pretend you don't care." I looked at the floor of my cell. I was sitting on my bed. The mattress was just as hard as the concrete floor.

"Thanks for the advice, Chase. Don't you have someone to kill or something better to do than stare at me?" I snapped. I looked up to see him looking at me, concerned.

"What?" I asked, softer this time. Chase turned away. "I'll try to see how Castor plans to kill you so you won't be surprised. Be brave. Be careful. Don't show weakness, okay Rose?" I nodded.

"Thank you." I said. Chase just walked out.

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