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"Get up bitch." 

I don't know where I am, but I know I'm locked again. In a dirtier place this time. Pitch darkness was the only thing my eyes visualized for the past days- maybe weeks. I'm lost.

Where is he? Where am I going now? Did he sell me as he said he would? Is he going to finally kill me? 

"Put this on we're going out." An old man with ripped clothes and yellow teeth said, his grin always makes me sick to my stomach. I obeyed silently, with trembling hands binding the smelly cloth over my sleepless eyes. 

 He guides me wherever he wanted me to go I was just praying, praying that nothing happens and they'll let me go. I've never been this scared before, even when I was with him, I knew who he was and what he'll do. I knew his limits, but I don't know this man, I don't know those, I don't know what they'll do and I don't the limits.

God, why are you doing this to me?

I was told to sit down, I sat on what I think is a chair, the same guy took the clothes off my eyes and my vision was blurry, I blinked adjusting my eyes to the sudden dim light and after a while, I saw a figure sitting in front of me on his left and right two men looking at me, ready to kill, to hunt. I shivered. 

"Well, well, well." the man said crossing a leg over another. "I was wrong, she is a hot thing."

My vision was blurry again, this time with unshed tears as I was forced to eye the man whose eyes inspecting my body. I wanted to cry, what will happen to me? 

"No, No don't cry, you'll be fine in an hour."

"Where am I?" I said in a very low voice surprised by how he heard me.

"Well we cant tell you that but I can assure you'll be in a good place for a couple of days, not long I hope. You'll be with a good man, he'll take good care of you." he gave me a toothy grin.

Oh god. 

"Now, here," he said handing me a cup of water.

I said nothing silently and slowly I took the water from him and drank it, the second my lips were on the glass I drank it in one run. 


Running my hand through my hair for the millionth time today, I was wondering when will Victor come? Who will bring her? Where will she sleep?

Calm down Joseph, I said taking a long deep breath, tout ira bien. Who am I lying to, nothing is going to be fine.

I gave up, I threw my body on the sofa watching a T.V show I didn't even care to know its name.

At Midnight.

I woke up rushing to the door, strong knocks echoing through the walls, it must be Victor. 

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck 

"Hello, sleepy-head." a thick accent greeted me. 

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I came instead of Victor." An ugly man probably in his fifties with shitty clothes and a stupid grin stood in front of me, I don't like him.


"I'm just here to give you your present," he laughed as if someone said a joke and I just stood there looking at him in disgust, "It's sad kid, we all had fun before you but don't worry she's always tight," he said again laughing at the end of his sentence.

I grabbed him by his collar looking him dead in the eyes watching his eyes winding in fear satisfying me. "Give her to me and disappear, or you won't be able to get out alive," I threatened. 

I pushed him just enough for him to take a breath, he pointed at the ground, it's now that I see a thrown lifeless body in the corner with eyes blindfolded and hands tightened together.

Oh, fucking shit. Fuck Victor and those idiots!

"Now go." few seconds and he was already rushing out, I glanced at the corner again whoever she is this isn't how a human should be treated, I kneeled down to her, hesitating before I carefully scooped her in my arms. Tightening my arms around her when I felt her lightweight. 

I slowly and carefully placed her on the bed, I brought scissors to cut the rope placing her tiny hands on her sides, I carefully took the blindfold, gasping when I saw how fucked up her face is, dark circles under her eyes, blue and purple bruises on her face and neck, I can't even imagine the pain she went through. Inspecting her injuries closely I just realized the deep cuts on the sides of her arms. 

What have they done to you...

Her hair was long, light brown and golden strands on her face, she had white pale skin, I wonder when was the last time she ate. I looked at her face for more than ten minutes looking at every detail, she had a few freckles on her nose and her cheeksWhen will she wake up? What am I going to tell her? If she was older it would've been easier. 

Oh boy, this is not good.


Thank you, everyone.


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