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I wasn't sure if what I'm doing is right, anger and violence are taking over my body, and my brain is trying its best to calm my nerves but I know it won't last long.

The moment I tossed some cold water on her she gasped, the room filled with her heavy pants, my eyes were taking her image, fear, worry, anxiety, horror and panic were the only things I could see in her eyes. They were red but aside from that they're the same colour as Talia's, the difference is all the old wrinkles around them. Her hair was a total mess, short, with the top covered in white hair.

"W-who are you?" she was the first to break the silence, her voice weak and shaky.

"I'm not here to answer you, I'm here to let you answer," I said folding my hands towards my chest and crossing the end of my legs, leaning against the cold wooden desk behind me.

"Answer y-you what?"

"Whatever I ask," I answered her, "For example what were you doing in the club yesterday?"

"Why w-would I a-answer you t-that?" she said and that took every energy of my body to not punch her right in the face.

"Cause I asked you too, additional to that it's my club,"

"I- I used to work in one of the branches, when the one in the t-town c-closed I came here, it was the closest," she explained.

"So you work for my clubs?"

"Yes, I think so,"

"Tell me," I started again pushing my body steady, now standing in front of her, "What do you work there?"

"I-I clean the rooms f-for the fighters and s-sometimes I help the nurses there," she answered looking at the floor.

"I don't give a shit anyways, I want to know one thing," I said taking a small step with every word I said until I was facing her, so close only centimetres apart, I couldn't wait any longer.

"Why did you run away without Talia?" with that her eyes widen, she tried to speak but other than her gasp nothing came out.



I was thinking over and over about Joseph, is he mad? I tried my best to focus on the colouring book I found in this room with the colouring pencils on the back of it, I was beyond happy. But simply every time I stop my mind goes back to Joseph, will he come back drunk or will he come back bruised this time. A knock on the door broke my thoughts, I thought it's Joseph but the moment I opened the door I was surprised to see Tom.

"Tom?" I said happy and kind of confused.

"Every time you see me you say the same thing, honey ya, it's me I swear to God," he said rolling his eyes and pushing me slightly so he could enter.

"I'm just surprised, I thought it's Joseph," I explained closing the door.

"Aww, miss him already?" he said sitting on the sofa already taking his shoes off, and I rolled my eyes at his response, but he's right, I already miss him.

"Your piece of shit didn't come yet, maybe after an hour," he said taking the remote control and flipping between the channels.

"Why are you calling him that," I said crossing my arms.

"Cause he is,"

"He's not!" I said trying not to shout.

"He is, believe me,"

"Whatever, why are you here?" I asked sitting beside him with enough space in between.

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