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Surprised and shocked aren't enough to what I saw today. She amazed me with every movement, the way she talked, moved, how she shouted the truth in front of her mother for the first time, it made me realize how strong Talia truly is. Even bearing with her panics and biggest fears was a big step for her and a great show for me.

I still don't know how I admitted that I love Talia, I wanted to tell her this when I'm alone with her, I can't believe how stupid I am, how did I do something like this!! Maybe what I confessed was too much for Talia, I guess that's why she decided to go home.

All the way back to the hotel I'm still thinking about what I did and everything that happened in the passing hour. I couldn't focus on anything else, even Talia's hand that's resting on my lap right now didn't help in relaxing my nerves.


"Are you okay?" she asked me, confused and level.

"I'm the who should ask you that,"

"Are we okay?" She asked again taking off her shoes.

"Now that's unfair, it's really me who should ask that too,"

"You're not answering," she pointed.

"We are, I hope so, look Talia I'm sorry I was ju-" I started, I wanted to explain what I did and what I said, I crossed the line this time but Talia stopped me, she placed her magical fingers on my lips and shushed me.

"I know, don't explain, I'm tired of explaining, thank you for what you did, without it I would never skip that nightmare or questions I had in mind," she said going back to the sofa while I'm still standing in front of her beside the door.

"I'm thankful for that,"

"I look like her right?"

"You're sexier, hotter and more beautiful than anyone on this planet," I said mentally slapping myself for the lack of vocabulary I have.

Minutes of silence filled the room, just the soft music playing somewhere outside.

"Tu es très belle, les plus belles femmes que j'ai jamais vues. Talia, je ne verrai jamais quelqu'un avec ta beauté, quelqu'un avec tes yeux rêveurs et une personnalité incroyable, je suis tellement amoureux de toi." I uttered, without taking a breath I spoke what's inside me when I'm sure half or even all what I said can't be understandable for Talia. But maybe putting my feelings can do something.
"you're very beautiful, the most beautiful women I've ever seen. Talia, I'll never see someone with your beauty, someone with your dreamy eyes and amazing personality, I'm so in love with you."

"Both of us knows that I didn't understand anything, but maybe it's the words I don't understand, but I do listen to your heart beats every night, and I do understand your feelings, I love you, I'm not falling for you, I've already fallen, I'm more than in love with you,"

All my life, I never imagined this moment, this magical spectacular minute, I can listen to what Talia said all my life, I can live this moment all my life and never get bored, I can repeat the sentence she said all my life. I couldn't believe it happened, can't believe I heard it, can't imagine anything better than this.

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