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Remind me why I come up with stupid ideas? I asked myself.

Fifteen minutes passed and I'm still searching for Talia, I couldn't find her, other than her petite build the house was very big that I can spend days searching.

I finally decided to go to the second floor, I was getting mad with every second, where is she?     

"Talia!" I shouted as I scaled the stairs.

"Talia come on! This is not funny anymore, where are you?"

Reaching the second floor, I entered every room and every corner of the floor until I reached the far room placed at the end of the corridor in one of the corners. The door was ajar, she can't be here the room itself is scary, I said to myself but entered anyway. No light, making the room dull and old only the fading light from the upper window. I remember this room very good, every edge reminds me of many things, bad things, I shook the sensation I'm having and called Talia again, but nothing in response. The smell of books flying in the room, dust everywhere as I touched the shelves. Something told me that Talia is somewhere here hiding but I was getting impatient until I heard a loud chink of books fall flowed by a low 'shit' and I grinned to myself as I closed the door of the room loudly fooling Talia.

"Finally,"I heard her say as I hid behind a bookshelf.

"Come here," I said holding her waist tightly keeping her up a little, spinning with her for a while as her giggles and chuckles fill the room making it brighter. 

"Let go," she begged as I start tickling her slowly taking revenge.

"Never princess," I said jokingly but soon placed her on her feet and gazed into her eyes she stepped forward and leaned next to my ear and my breaths quickens,

"You want me?" she asked seducingly "Come and get me," she completed. In a blink of an eye, she was running out of the room as I stood shocked for a second trying to analyse what just happened and what she really meant by her words.

"Talia," I  groaned loudly as I ran following the way she took.

Sure she was fast but not faster than me as I caught her running with careful steps on the stairs I grabbed her arm locked her against the wall gently pulling her towards my chest. 

"I got you-" I said breathless, "Now I have you, let me show you what I want to do,"  I explained as I listened to her heart pounding fast in her chest.

"J-Joseph," she said my name begging.

"No- no begging baby, I'll let you pay for what you did," I said closing the space between us as she gasped when I held her close to me. I was centimetres away from her plump red lips until she moved her head to the side,

"Please don't do this again, please," this time I stopped immediately knowing something was wrong.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned as she shook her head slowly, putting her hand on her heart trying to breathe.

"Talia, what's wrong?" I asked again worry filling my voice.

"I-I c-can't b-" she tried to say but I already pulled her to my chest she tried to fight but I again held her tight stroking her hair gently comforting her with my words.

"Shhh, focus on your breathing Talia, in and out princess." I soothed.

"Please breath," I said farming kisses on her temple still hugging her tight.

"I-I w-want t-to s-" she tried to say but I knew what she was about to say, I picked her up bridal style and drove upstairs to my room.

I placed her down gently removing the cover and laying her head slowly on one of the pillows as I noticed she's breathing fine now. Still, I couldn't stop the worry feeling I'm having towards her, everything was fine what happened? I asked myself.


"Yes sir," my doctor said the moment he picked up. I called him the moment Talia slept to know if she's fine or not I have to make sure.

"Talia, she's having a tough time, out of nowhere she suddenly couldn't take her breaths and her panics are increasing regularly nightmares and shit," I explained getting irate of how her state is quickly changing.

"Sir, as you told me before she had rough past that means all her recovery will take time. She only needs someone to listen to her and do what she likes, never push her to anything.Let her take her time and she will start feeling normal again, it's a mental thing." he told.

"Any special things I must do?" I asked.

"Not really, listen to her, it's a matter of time."

"Thank you," I said quickly hanging up not listening to his last words.

Things she loves... I thought to myself.


"Rise and shine lazy ass," I shouted across the room as I saw her still asleep not even bothered by my loud voice.

"Rise and shine," I repeated again louder this time opening the curtains.

"Joseph please let me sleep," she groaned burying her face in the pillow.

"No, we have a lot to do today," I said as I sat down next to her.

"You go, I'm good," she said getting comfortable again, but unfortunately I jerked off the covers throwing it aside which made her furious as she stood up on the bed eyes wide, frizzy hair and arms crossed to her chest.

"You'll regret this!" she said as she kneeled in front of me taking me by the collar of my shirt placing me down as she straddles me, I wasn't confused, although it happened suddenly I was amused by our position.

"Princess, don't do something stupid," I told her biting my lip trying hard not to chuckle at her look.

"I will kill you!" she said anger filling her voice.

"You're already killing me by this position," I said with a wink as her eyes went wider if possible, looking down at our close bodies she looked at me again biting her lower lips as I held my breath trying hard not to bite them for her.

"Shit, I-I'm s-sorry," she apologized getting up fast sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Don't be I was enjoying it," I said honestly balancing my body on my two palms, but she hit me with a pillow, mumbling 'pervert' under her breath.

"Don't rush the pervert to do something you'll lowkey like," I said sending her a wink as I got up walking towards the door like nothing happened.


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