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I left home after promising Talia I'll be fine. I'll meet Victor today, it's been a long time since I saw him, and he wasn't at the club yesterday. Walking through the dim nasty hallways to his office I was praying he'll take the money and leave me alone. My mind flashing the worst-case scenarios building up days of anger and frustration. I knocked once before storming giving the old man little time to even welcome me.

"Oh Joseph," he said standing up shaking my hand tightly. "What's the matter?" he asked as he sat down again lightning a cigar. I took the brown envelope out of my black leather jacket throwing it in front of him carelessly hoping I don't have to do any talking.

"That's the amount of money you put on that girl, there's more in there, you said if I gave you the money she'll be mine," I said, anger rising in me as I remembered his words that day.

"Oh ya, I'm surprised actually, is she this good in bed?" he asked counting the money, a sick chuckle leaving his lips. My body immediately took over and in a snap, my fisted hands were on his collar my face so close to his "Look at me," I started, "Listen carefully, I gave you what you asked for, now she's mine," I finished and just as I see him nodding slowly I retrieved back to my seat my gaze never leaving his.

"Okay, relax, she's all yours," he said holding his hands in defence as I stood up ready to leave.

"I swear on my life Victor, if you say her name ever again, if you talk about her, if you even imagine her, I'll rip your head off, d'accord?" I warned. The moment I saw him gulp loudly with fear I pushed him vigorously enough to let him sit on the ground unable to even blink.


I swallowed nervously as I entered the living room spotting the empty sofas I panicked, rushing towards the kitchen to find it completely spotless. My mind in alert as I kept moving slowly towards the other rooms, my steps calculated as my mind flashes dreadful thoughts.

What if she ran away?

What if Victor did something to her while I was away? I left her alone.

I froze as I saw her door ajar, stepping closer my blood went cold as I saw her standing in the middle of the room taking off her hoodie slowly, itching the end of her back I trail my eyes with her my wide eyes watching her hand move down until I stopped my eyes gazing at one spot where I recognize a deep wide scar running from the middle to the side of her back. I couldn't take my eyes off her, wondering how the fuck did she get that, who did it, or what memory does it remind her of. I let out a breath I was holding closing my eyes briefly as I calmed myself.

I left giving her privacy but the scene kept playing in my mind as I sat on the edge of my bed. My eyes scanned the covered tool in the corner of my room. My leg bounced, nervousness taking over as I stood closing the space as my fingers moved along the dusty cover. It's been a while. My ears flashed the sounds of the keys taking me to an old place where I watched myself playing the exact same instrument that I've been covering for years. Removing it shakingly I sat down, staring at the black and white bones. My bruised fingers pressing them down randomly filling the quiet air with irregular melody. I sat straight, closing my eyes as I recalled some notes and my fingers surprisingly followed the scheme playing along what I flash, minutes turned into hours and I haven't stopped. A soft harmony filled me, I kept my gaze lowered unable to think of anything else but what I'm playing, shaking my head whenever my demons took me back to a hateful memory.

I breathed heavily as I ran the same skillful fingers of mine into my scalp. Massaging my temple as I stood up, covering the piano but not before having a last final look.

"Wow!" a soft voice pulled me away from my word and I turned towards the source a small smile tugging on my lips. "Thank you,"

"Will you play for me again?" her silken please and hopeful eyes gave me little time to think of the 'yes' that slipped out. I saw the glow of happiness that flashed through her hazel globes and I was glad I automatically answered her.

"Later?" I asked and she nodded happily.


Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it,

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