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Enjoy cutiesss.....

This is the last chapter for Only Time Will Tell

In a few Days, I'll be able to update the first chapter of my new book, stay tuned. 



 It's been three months since we moved to France, Dijon Joseph's hometown. It's amazing here, I never thought I'd be this happy, we had a hard time at the beginning, I still remember the anger we both had towards life and everyone else, but it soon faded away as we understood each other more, we loved each over even more and I never imagined loving someone this much. It took all my power to forgive my mum and what she did to us but I had to, to start a new life yo have to close your past and that's exactly what I did. 

I'll never change anything, I'm learning from every moment I'm living. If I changed I won't be sure if I'll have Joseph by my side as I do now and I'll never be able to let go of him. I miss him when he's at work, I call and annoy him every two hours. I can't sleep alone even when we fight I wake up in the middle of the night and sleep next to him. I just love him, a lot.

As for Mark and Sabrine, she gave birth to a handsome son and named him Liam, he looks a lot like Mark, and I'll never forget the moment Mark held him. They visit in holidays, they're still in America, Mark couldn't leave his job. Sabrine and I facetime every day for an hour or so. I smiled as I saw her text lighting my phone. 

"Babe," Joseph's voice echoed in the room as I placed my phone on the nightstand. 

"Hey," I whispered pulling myself up, I sat on the edge of the bed and winced in pain,

"Are you okay?" Joseph hurried to my place and I shook my head a feeling of nausea hit me. I felt dizzy. "Easy," he said as he held my arm helping me up, once I stood I couldn't but rush towards the bathroom as I lowered my head throwing up everything in my stomach. 

"Talia," Joseph's worried voice whispered as he tied my hear into a low ponytail and I gave him a weak smile before I wash my face and brush my teeth, he stood still eyeing my movements waiting for anything else to happen. 

"I think I'm sick again," I said as I rested my head on his chest he chuckled before taking me back to the bed and laying me down ordering me to rest as he disappeared into the hallway. 

My phone buzzed as Sabrine name popped on the lock screen, I answered putting her on speaker.

"How's my favourite person?" she asked immediately. 

"I'm sick again," I told her barely enough for her to hear. 

"Oh honey," she said with a sad tone, " I guess you should see a doctor, you've been getting sick often," she said and I nodded agreeing to her thought.

"So any new actions?" she said and I can already see her wink, I rolled my eyes shaking my head lightly as I answered a shameless 'no'.

"Ugh," she sighed, "Same because of this bloody shit period." she cursed and I laughed till I remembered,

"Sabrine, I guess I'm late two weeks," I said with a frown on my face trying to understand why.  

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