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I groan in discomfort as I tried to turn to the other side of the bed. Closing my eyes shut attempting to block the bright rays of the sun. I sat looking around for a while, I couldn't remember anything about yesterday night, the last thing was agreeing to go with Andrew to the club.

Seeing Andrew after all those years made me feel like nothing changed and that I still have a family, coming here wasn't as bad as I thought. I stood up trying to balance myself, still dizzy. I always misremember how bad my hangovers are. I walked towards the bathroom with slow steps, I was about to wash my face when I saw the bruises and the small cut beside my lips. Flashbacks washed my mind.

I fought again, I thought to myself as I touched the cut.

I didn't hold back when Andrew asked if I'd like to fight again, I did, the only thing that was on my mind yesterday was Talia, and the stupid question I asked, I can't believe that I even asked her. What was I thinking? I washed my face with warm water before changing my clothes. Walking back to my bed I spotted Talia's scarf on the nightstand, sitting on the edge of the bed holding it in my hands, I couldn't but discern that it's covered in blood, she was here yesterday, she cleaned my cuts. I tried so hard to remember anything after the fight but I couldn't all blank.

If Talia was the one who cleaned my cuts that means she saw me drunk, God knows what I said to her or Tom. I didn't want to get out of my room today believing by sitting alone I'd remember something.

Looking through the window, glaring at the people walking by and kids playing across the street I can't but remember how we used to play here, listening to mama shout our names for dinner, the memories ran across my mind, I shake my head trying my best to forget everything.

"Joseph?" a soft sound called me, it took me seconds to remember that I'm here now without them, I'm with Talia.

"Ya?" I said sniffing and storing my tears.

"Are you okay? How do you feel now?" she asked concerned.

"I'm good, thank you,"

"Are you crying?"

"Me?" I scoffed, "No!!"

"I brought you some soup," she said, happy that she didn't push it further.

"Thank you," I said sitting down on the sofa that I have in my room.

"What happened yesterday?" I asked blowing some steam off the soup.

"I should ask you that," she said crossing her arms towards her chest.

"I can't remember what happened," I said honestly now looking at the plate in front of me.

"You came drunk last night, I waited for you! But, you came drunk and beaten, you promised it won't happen again!"

"Oh ya?" I asked throwing the spoon putting the tray on the nightstand as I stood up taking slow steps towards her.

"Why do you care?-" "Why did you wait?-" "Why are you even asking? I promised and guess what?-" "I didn't keep my promise, what will you do?" I asked anger rising as I looked at her calm face, I asked everything in a rush giving her no time to answer.

"I won't do anything, it's your life, I don't care, Joseph, but I wasn't happy about my ruined scarf, that's it," she said with a calm voice, tapping my shoulders she turned and walked outside of the room leaving me confused.

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