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'NO Joseph, pas de fils nous ne pouvons pas.' (no son we cant.)

'It won't be this dangerous, we'll leave before he wakes up, please!'

'Honey, we cant, think, if he finds out what will he do?'

'Nothing, I'll call the cops,'

'Oh, my poor baby,'

'Mum! don't cry, please.'

'Let's go to bed, I'll read your favourite story, okay?'

I gave her a small smile, I didn't want to make her cry again, I cant see her cry again. I don't want her to be sad, I hate him.

She took me to my room, softly she placed me on the bed and laid beside me, playing with my hair as she starts reading my favourite story. I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying, I couldn't take my eyes off her beauty, the moon rays shining on her soft skin, her gentle eyes glowing in love.

How can't he see this? Is he this blind?


"MOM!!!" I gasped trying to catch my breath.

"Joseph, Joseph it's fine, I'm here, you're fine, you're okay," I heard Talia saying, comforting me, holding my hand tight, whispering that everything will be fine.

I didn't know what's happening, my head is spinning, my body aches, my hands are shaking. I was trying to tell her I'm fine but nothing came out. I raised my head to see Tom standing with wide eyes and confused look. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to take in what happened.

"I called the doctor, he must be here soon," Tom said quietly, tapping my shoulders and giving me a cup of water before he goes out.

Low sobs filled the room, I opened my eyes shocked, seeing Talia sitting next to me, burying her face in her hands, crying quietly and sad. My heart throbbed at the sight of her crying, I closed the space between us and embraced her in a tight hug, burying my face in the crook of her neck, taking a deep sharp breath smelling her vanilla scent.

Holding her, this moment, made me forget everything. I felt safe even if I'm the one who should keep her safe, her between my arms made me realise how much I'm attached to her.

"Please stop crying," I whispered placing a kiss on her shoulder.

"I-I'm s-sorry," she said through her sobs. Now I'm confused, why is she sorry?

"Why are you sorry? What happened," I said, holding her face in my hands, I was about to cry seeing her in this pain, tears running on her red cheeks.

"I-It's all b-because o-of me I l-left y-you a-alone," she tried saying between her cries.

"Talia," I warned, trying as much as I can to wipe her tears, "Don't even say this, It's not because of you, it happens," I said, I took a deep breath trying to control the anger and the bad memories that rushed into my head.

"You brought me back, I feel safe with you, as much as I hate to be attached to someone, I love being with you, next to you, holding you, talking to you, and hear you talk nonstop about silly stuff, its none of your business baby, it just happened. Okay?" the moment I finish I finally realised what I said, fuck, I confessed everything!

My eyes widened, hers too as she's looking right into my eyes, her hazel eyes darken for a second. I didn't know what to say, I never did this before, hell I never told this to any girl. What's happening to you Joseph?!

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