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A strange and unknown feeling rushed through my veins.  I couldn't describe what I'm going through, happiness and worry overflowed me at the same time, it was a strange mix. Ever since I was captured and locked down I only sensed sorrow, misery, anxiety, and fright; joy was a bit strange to taste back then. A small smile on my face revealed just how glad I am, barely noticeable but still there. The moment he said dinner a loud shriek escaped my stomach and a redden shade covered my cheeks. I didn't wanna trust him and stay here. I want to escape, I want to run and find a new life. I was tired of being held like a lost prisoner. I lived my whole life locked behind solid walls and being here isn't any better. Yes, I felt a bit of freedom, at least I showered and slept on clean sheets but the fact that I'm stuck again kills me. 

I decided to give myself enough time to regain my strength and plan a better way to run. I don't wanna end up dead after all and if what that man said is true I'd be dead in a blink of an eye. I got up and slowly made my way to the bathroom, my sweaty feet meeting the cold rock floor, I splashed icy water on my burning face the moment I entered the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror was a hard task, a reality I had escaped for too long. My eyes had no more glow, no more eagerness, and life; completely drained. My heart-shaped face, skinny and absolutely ill-favored. I looked at what I had on and I wanted to laugh at the hideous black shirt covering my abused skin. I need some feminine clothes.

When I was done checking my image out I stepped away and decided to join him so I can have a decent meal. I can't remember the last time I had a full meal and I was looking forward to eat something suitable tonight, hopefully. I tried to search for him silently, I couldn't call him, the fear I had kept me from doing that. I stood like a foolish deer in the middle of the road; hoping he'd check up on me again and this time I can follow him.

A fainted yet loud 'I'm here' echoed through the walls of his apartment and I followed his call till I saw his defined back. A groan left his lips when his team missed their goal, he was so into the soccer game that he didn't notice me standing by the door. I took that chance to just watch him, to truly see who he is. But I'd jump every time he shouts at the television like that would help his team, I found myself smiling at the scene in front of me and that scared me a bit.

"If you're done, have a seat so we can eat," amusement was evident in his voice and a wave of embarrassment washed over me. I took careful steps ignoring his comment and sat down on the edge of the sofa while he stood up and disappeared into another room. I took the chance to take a deep breath and calm my wreaking nerves.

The room was a mix of dark brown and light beige, a large television placed on a small table by the corner. The cheers of the game brought me back to life and my gaze was now fixed on the television and suddenly I became excited to watch the game as well; even if I know absolutely nothing. It's been ages since I saw a program let alone a football game on television, I used to steal glances when I prepared dinner to him but I couldn't stare for too long, I'd be punished.  My hands itched to hold the remote control again and just keep changing the channels for the sake of it, I wanted to feel that little freedom I witnessed here but the fear still controlled a bigger part of me and I didn't wanna upset the man, he'd take back what he said and hurt me.

"Finally," a sudden voice filled the room beside the cheers of the fans, he placed the box of pizza and the room was filled with its aroma in seconds. I found myself taking a long sniff and I hummed in response but embarrassment followed me like a shadow and my cheeks took no breaks at all. I looked at him for a second, enough to see the small smirk and that was my cue to look back down. Ashamed.

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