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"I hate you!" Talia said annoyed and angry as she got up sitting on the far sofa looking out through the window.

We were sitting together in silence, as usual, I was reading a novel while Talia sitting dying slowly with boredom.

"It's been a week, I want to go out!" she said her tone serious and bitter.

"But you cant go out,"

Half an hour, half an hour with her pleasing and begging to let her go out while I was simply saying no continuously or ignoring her by concentrating on my book.

"Joseph," she sighs and I looked at her sad face, clearly unhappy with my decision.

"But princess I can't risk anything if something happened-"

"Nothing will happen," she cut my sentence promising.

"You can't promise princess, you don't know what might happen,"

"Don't you want to show me the town you grew up in?" she asked a little bit excited that I might change my mind.

"Not really," I shrugged.


"You have five minutes to get ready-" I said watching her face lit up, her lips break into a huge smile showing me her white teeth.

"Time starts now-" I said amusingly staring at my watch seeing her run towards her room.


"I'm ready," she shouted while coming down, I raised my head spotting her figure on the last step of the stairs with her skinny jeans and long hoodie, her head tied back into a ponytail allowing me to see her gorgeous features clearly.

"About time," I said closing my book placing it on the table.

"S-sorry-" she said innocently standing next to the door.

I shook my head at her excitement, trying her best to hide it, but her wide grin can say it all.

"Next to me all the time. Talk to no one. Stay by my side. Trust no one. Never make eye contact, understood?" I said them all at once warning her. 

"I'm really having the feeling that you're my dad," she said rolling her eyes.

I took two steps closer to her while she took two back until she's enclosed with both of my arms near her head, I leaned closer to her ear,

"One more eye roll and I swear to God your dad will punish you, understood?" I asked seriously but I couldn't hide the smirk on my lips when her eyes went wild by the thought.


"Oh my God, a dog!!" she squealed with a high pitch as she spotted the dog walking with his owner. 

"Please, stop, it's the fifteenth time girl, it's only a dog."

"Don't you dare say it's just a dog," she threatened.

"Or what?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Or-or I'll-" she paused after a while giving up.

"Yup, that's what I thought," I said shaking my head.

"I want Ice-cream," she said, I'm happy that I changed my mind, since the moment she stepped outside the house she starts jumping whenever she saw something new or beautiful, skipping a step but not getting far. I watched her picking flowers or pausing to play with a dog. Every time she saw a dog or a baby she screeched with joy and happiness and I can't but stare with amusement and enjoyment. Her presence was all I want right now.

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