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"Good morning," I said in a raspy voice scratching the back of my neck, walking with unsteady steps until I stopped next to Talia placing a soft kiss on her left cheek. Turning my head to see Tom looking at us in a mixture of 'aw' and 'already?'

"Good morning to you too," he said when I passed him without saying 'good morning'.

"Since when are you here?" I asked confused.

"Since you were half dead and Talia trying to untangle her self from your grip, have mercy on her man," he said shaking his head.

"Tom one more word and I'll have my grip on your neck," I threat him while having a seat facing Talia who's busy filling her plate with pancakes and sandwiches that I'm sure Tom did.

"Tom, after breakfast I need you, okay?"

"Aye aye captain," he said rolling his eyes and taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Joseph, I wanna go out today," Talia said looking at me while placing her mug down, "and before you say with Tom, I don't want to," she completed.

"Ouch sister," Tom said, whipping a fake tear.

"I don't mean anything Tom, I like going out with you but I wanna go out with Joseph, it's been a long time," she said offering the both of us one of her great smiles that I'll never get bored of.

"Okay princess, I'll try my best," I said copying her smile. "Tom- now!" I said picking my keys and assuring Talia it won't take long.


"What's wrong?" he asked as soon as we stood in the middle of the lobby.

"I have to tell Talia about Merry," I spoke.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me right?!?!"

"No, sorry, I have to,"

"'Joseph she'll die, that's it, my poor Talia she'll die she'll have one big ass panic and she'll die, Oh my God I won't see your kids and-"

"Tom!!" I shouted unable to listen to more of what he's saying, gaining a few looks from people I directed him outside. Tom was still mumbling a few things that he thinks it'll happen.

"Tom breath," I started, "I'll let Talia know everything and why I did what I did, I can't lie to her anymore. She must know."

"How can you tell her something like this?"

"I don't know, maybe fancy day out with her and letting her understand why,"

"If you're going by this plan, start know smart ass,"

"Tom, check on Merry and tell Andrew to take care of her,"

"Aye, aye captain,"

"Don't do anything to her though, if Talia wants to forgive her I want her good,"


"So where are we going?" Talia started while I'm busy driving.

"Somewhere you'll like, I hope so," I said muttering the last part.

"Doesn't matter, I'm with you that's what matters," she said taking my hand in hers and placing them on her lap. I looked at her for a moment, how she's happy and different, different than the Talia I first met and how I'll take her back to that place if I told her, but I can't lie anymore if we're falling for each other I want to start clear and based on honesty.



"Promise me, that no matter what happens between us you'll never leave me," I said slowing the car and taking a look at her.

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