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"Is everything ready for tonight?" I asked Mark who's standing beside the round table in the middle of an old warehouse.

"I still can't believe you're bringing her to an old, dusty, smelly warehouse. I can get you a table in an extremely classy restaurant Joseph. But this," he said roaming his finger around, "doesn't look good for a date,"

"Mark shut up. I have enough money to book a full restaurant but this is special for both us, I can't explain but it is. Call Sabrine, let her go to my place and help Talia get ready without telling her anything." I ordered him making sure he'd tell his wife to keep her mouth shut.

I can't stop thinking of what happened yesterday and how dumb I acted with the only girl I loved. I'm trying to make it up to her by a simple romantic dinner and maybe something extra after that. I smiled to myself thinking of what I'll do.

"Aye Romeo! I'm talking to you." Shouted Mark making me laugh at how angry he is.
"I placed your gun under the table in case anything happened, there's also this button right here if you need me or any of the men." He said finishing everything and placing the cover over the table gently.


"Do you think she'll like it? I'm not good at these things," I shrugged asking Mark.

"Look, just be you Joseph it's new to both of you but clearly she's trying harder than you," he added ruining my mood.
He was right though, I have to try hard too, I'm not planning on losing her, I need her.

"We're here boy! Good luck." He winked giving me the car keys, he went directly to Sabrine kissing her cheek and taking her to the already parked car. I moved my body nervously playing with my thin tie. Can't believe Sabrine made me wear this shit. I thought to my self as I opened the door.

"Babe," I called trying to sound ready, but I'm far from that.

"Talia, come on babe we have to go," I shouted, unable to move my body and get her.
Why am I acting like a teenager, get a grip Joe for fuck's sake! I said to myself looking down at the floor still cussing at my behaviour, till I heard it, her heels clicking on the marble making my heart skip beats, my gaze met her black stilettos going up to her long smooth tanned legs causing me to hold my breath. I continued eye fucking her as her perfectly structured body made its way to mine, she showed a good amount of cleavage leading to dirty thoughts in my stupid head. When I finally had a look at her enchanting face, I couldn't but look directly into her, I took in all of her goodness, it reminded me of how lucky I am.

"Merde, Jésus-Christ" I cursed under my breath. Help me survive this night.

"I- do I look okay?" She asked her soft low voice waking me.

"I can't tell you how gorgeous you look right now," I replied still breathless. I took a few steps to meet her midway, circling my hands on her waist holding her close to me feeling her warm hands mirror my action placing them on my neck, her hazel eyes looking directly into mine allowing my poor heart to skip few beats.

"Are we going?" she asked amusement filled her voice.

"I'm having an inner fight, clearly I'm having another plan. Involving you without this chic and classy dress." I said a mischievous smile on my lips.

"Joseph!" she yelled-whispered hitting my shoulder playfully.

"Come on princess,"

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