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I kept replying to myself waiting for her answer, eyes wide, I can listen to her loud fast heartbeat. Am I stupid?  But I wanted to ask, going as a close friend clearly wasn't enough for me. I want to be something more to her. I was getting impatient, I don't want to be rejected even if I wanted to go out with her really bad. 

Maybe this was a wrong idea.

"It's fine, don't answer, I'm sorry I have some stuff to do, I'll see you later," and with what I said I got up not even waiting for her answer.

"Tom," I yelled, calling my stupid friend.

"Kitchen," he yelled back. I walked to the kitchen spotting Tom eating his classic pancakes layers, the chocolate syrup dripping on both of the sides.

"Get up, I'm leaving," I said throwing the house keys in front of his face, while he failed to catch it.

"What am I supposed to do if you are going out?" he rolled his eyes.

"You'll guard Talia, don't even blink, don't even think of repeating what you did earlier, red line," I warned rocking my index finger in front of his face.

"O-Okay Joseph, chill, jésus!" he gulped his last pancake before getting up sitting in the living room as I told him.

Sending him the last death stare, I walked out of my house still thinking about what I did and how stupid I was for asking her.

The doctor said not to push her, and what did you do? You fucking asked her out, unmistakably, she doesn't want too Joseph, I said to myself slamming the door angrily.

But I don't regret it, maybe she was going to say yes but I was impatient, maybe after a while, she'll realise that I like her and accept my request. I thought to myself gripping roughly on the driving wheel, my going white.

I need to let all of this out, I won't hold anymore. I told myself rubbing my face.

Walking through the old streets that I grew up in, totally different from what Talia and I saw yesterday. This side of town was a nightmare to people like Talia. This side of town is something nobody wants to see. Here, blood was like water needed, death wasn't something new, it was standard. Killing and fighting, this was the place! Sweet Hell.

"Joseph!!" a fit deep voice echoed through the alley I'm walking in. I looked around spotting a figure I'm familiar with standing in one of the corners.




"Joseph!" I called walking with heavy steps towards the living room.

After he left my room, I kept thinking about what he said until I slept again. I don't know if he was annoyed or disappointed because I didn't answer right away, but I couldn't I was overwhelmed unable to think straight.

And now I'm looking and calling his name on repeat without an answer.

"Looking for Joseph?" an unfamiliar voice responded behind me.

"W-who are you?" I tried to sound strong but my voice cracked and my heart rate increased.

"I'm Tom, Joseph's friend, I'm here for a while."

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Joseph is out, he has work to do and I'm here babysitting you," he said holding the remote flipping between the channels.

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