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"Je ne peux pas te croire!!" 

"Mark please not now."

"You promised not to do it again."

"I couldn't stop, my clubs are sinking Mark, I had to make a final show," I said looking at my shoes.

"Look at your hand for God's sake."

"Just wrap it," I huffed as I stretched it out more.

"If she was here-"

"Don't- don't Mark, "my stern warning cut him off immediately knowing what he wanted to say.

"So why are you here?" Mark asked me concerned.

"I'm in deep shit, my friend."

"Why?!" he asked placing the extra bandage and some cotton on the table.

"I talked to Victor today," I said looking at my hand that Mark just wrapped. "He doesn't need the money anymore." I completed.

"Well isn't this go- wait a minute." he changed what he was going to say probably realising what I just told him. "But you still have until the end of the month and you already have the money, he will not kill you, right? Tell me he won't."

"He won't but I must do him a favour, can't back down now,"

"What did you do?!"

"I-I agreed on taking a girl he keeps."


"Stop shouting you'll wake Sabrine."

"Fuck off! Man, why would you do this?" he looked at me, I can see the anger in his eyes, "You already have the money Joseph why did you agree to this?"

"I don't know okay, I just said yes without thinking, we both know Victor won't leave me alone even if I paid the debts, he said if I take her he would leave me and my clubs alone," 

Mark looked at me as if I killed someone in front of him, his eyes were wide looking right into mine sending death stares, I swallowed the hard lump and took a deep breath, "Mark think of it, I won't do anything I'll be free from my debts and I'll keep the money. I won't deal with Victor again."

"Let's say that happens, what about her, why would you do this to an innocent girl Joseph why?"

"Chill dude chill, Victor said a lot of men would kill for such a chance, let's not mention the sick bastards Victor knows, I thought If I agreed with him I'd let her go," 

"Je ne peux pas croire que tu fais ça." his french surfaced and I had to agree with him, I also can't believe I'm doing this but I'd risk anything to know Victor no longer has an upper hand. 

"Who is she? Have you seen her?"

"I have no idea- we'll know soon."


"Rise and shine sleepy head,"

I woke up to Sabrine's voice, opening my eyes to slowly face her pretty appearance and long red hair, I turned my face to the other side to view the bright rays of the sun.

"What time is it?" I said in a throaty voice burying my face in the pillow.

"I missed your morning voice," Sabrine's dramatic line made me chuckle, sitting up I looked around realizing I assumably fell asleep after the lovely argument I had with Mark yesterday.

"You don't want Mark to hear you," I said running my hand through my hair but winced remembering my fractured hand.

"What's that Joe? Are you okay?" she panicked holding my arm inspecting it closer I didn't answer her just nodding and kissing her cheeks, getting up I directly went to the bathroom. Doing my business and brushing my teeth with the extra toothbrush I kept months ago. Working with one hand is nearly impossible.

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