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Funny how life can put you through many things all at once, it'll take you places you never saw or let you speak to people you never knew they exist. Life is like a fast train it won't stop whenever you want.

I tried to stay strong all my life but failed every time I tried, that's when life sent me to Joseph, or Joseph to me. By mistake, but a good one. Since then my life really changed. He changed me. A good change. He taught me how to stand for my self maybe not directly but he tried, I know he did from the changes I saw in my self.
Never in my life I imagined having this power, maybe power for me is hugging him after work or asking for a kiss, but it is something I'm proud of. Anyone can hug or kiss it's something normal, but I never did something normal. I, all my life scared to do something normal.

And now here I am, standing side to side next to the man that I'm falling for, to see someone who gave up on me, not anybody but my own mother. That's a life joke.

I can't explain my feelings right now, I don't know if I'm scared or sad or even angry with what Joseph did. I feel nothing, or many things maybe they're just mixed together. I'm going with the flow of this life, I'm letting it take me to wherever it wants, it doesn't matter after what happened and what's still going.

"Are you okay?" Joseph broke my thoughts by asking me the question that I couldn't answer for years.

"I don't know," "But no matter what don't leave my side,"

"Never princess, I'll never leave your side,"

Step by step I'm closer to reality, I'm closer to see her, I'm closer to the only thing that was hunting me for years. Here I am life, facing what you gave me as a nightmare, here I am facing my own mother as one of my biggest fears.

"Breath princess I'm here, I'm always here,"


"Where is she?" Joseph asked one old man leaning with a cigarette between his fingers.

"Is this Talia?" He asked without answering what Joseph asked before.

"Yes," was all that Joseph said before sliding his hand behind my back his fingers pressed to my side.

"What a beautiful lady," he said taking my free hand placing a gentle kiss on the front of my hands.

"Where is she, Andrew?"

"Downstairs," he answered Joseph but still looking into my eyes. A strange feeling formed in my stomach, something I only feel when I'm too scared or too sad, I guess today both of the feelings are meeting for the first time. Not for a second Joseph made me forget that he's here, his pressing fingers and soothing words made me feel better, from the outside at least. Inside, I'm slowly giving up, my heart is beating like I'm running all around America, my lungs are begging me for longer breaths, my brain is listing every feeling and every moment I had without her.

"I swear you'll be fine, ask her whatever you want and do whatever you want with her." He said opening the door.

Around us, nothing other than junk, broken wood and metal pieces everywhere, you can hear the water dripping from the ceiling, makes you even more nervous. The place looks old, way too old for Joseph to even know this place exists, but again I remind my self that maybe I only know Joseph from what he says, maybe I don't know him like I thought I do.

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