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His sudden move made me froze in my place, I couldn't think straight. Everything happened so fast. His soft plumpy lips felt marvellous against mine, and I can't believe that I said this to myself as I curl my hands around his neck. What shocked me more is the moment I kissed him back, deepening the kiss buy hugging his body. My first kiss. 

Resting our foreheads trying to catch our breath as he pulled out, panting. I tried to pinch myself in order to believe that what just happened is real.

"And that's the way I say sorry princess," he whispered next to my ear. Holding me in a tight hug burying his face in my shoulder as he plants wet kisses all over it, I couldn't but gasp each time he touches me with his magical fingers. I can't believe that I'm responding to his every touch. I can't believe I kissed the guy who can sell me at any second. I was breathless and tired to fight about what happened, I allowed his warm body to hug mine as he covered the both of us still hugging me tightly.


I woke up to a loud noise, it seems like pans falling I said to myself as I got up. Walking towards the bathroom I washed my face and put my untidy hair into a messy bun.

"Fuck," I heard Joseph cuss under his breath as the milk bottle dropped on the ground. He turned his face to me as he was trying to wipe the milk off the tiles.

"Shit, I-I'm so sorry, d-did I wake you?" he asked placing the kitchen towel on the table.

"N-not really," I answered sitting down.

He nods his head and turns back to the pancake mix.

A few minutes later he sat down across me among a plate full of pancakes with chocolate syrup at the top just as I like it.

"Thank you," I said taking some into my plate.

"Anytime princess," he said low.

"Are you okay?" I asked he's been quite looking at the plate in front of him since we started breakfast.

"Joseph?" I said raising my voice.

"Yes?" he finally answered looking at me with his red heavy eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked again.

"Nothing," he shrugged his shoulders.

"Come on, talk to me," I said getting up standing next to him bending down on my knees as I held his hands and tightened my grasp,

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"I-I just didn't sleep at night that's it, princess," he said holding my hands as he kissed both of them while standing up,

"I-I'm fine Talia don't worry,"

"Would you like to take a nap?"

"I'd like too, but I can't sleep without you," he said with a weak smile.

"Then I'll come with you,"I muttered trying to hide the dark pink shade on my cheeks.

I looked at his face, his eyes were opened wild his eyebrows raised,

"What?!" I asked as I folded my arms.

"You forgave me?"

"Maybe I did," I teased.

"And how should I know if you did?"

"You're big enough to know that," I said wiggling my eyebrows as I ran towards my room, few minutes and I already felt his hard grip on my waist as he pulled me to him, he left my hair to one side of my neck as he placed his chin on my shoulder, the hair on the back of my neck rose as his fingers moved up and down my back, I took a deep breath as my heart beat became faster,

"Turn princess," he directed, and I slowly turned to face his earthy eyes now are dark holding so much desire, his messy hair and his breathtaking grin,

"Now I'll know if you forgave me or if you're still a stubborn baby," he whispered in my ear as he looked into my eyes for a good minute before crushing his lips into mine, it's not like the first kiss, it's more demanding full of lust and emotions He's saying sorry in his own way, I thought to myself.

He pulled back so quickly, I didn't want this to end so fast, I said to myself again as he rests his forehead on mine,

"I guess you forgave me," he whispered.

"Nap time big boy," I remind him as I walked towards the bed arranging the pillows.

"I don't need pillows if I have your comfy lap," he said sitting down taking off his t-shirt, and I couldn't but stare at his perfect impeccable tanned body, his flawless six packs and the small tattoo placed on his low left abdomen. I narrowed my eyes hoping I'd see it clearly and know what is it.

"You'll see it later," he said and I moved my gaze quickly to his beautiful eyes. "Hopefully when I'm naked," he said smirking showing his white teeth. I gasped as I imagined what he said and couldn't hide the blush that rose to my cheeks.

"In y-your dreams," I said as I looked at the ground.

"We'll see about that later," he said yawning.

"Come on, stop talking and sleep," I told him as I sat next to him.

"Can I?" he asked looking into my eyes as he pointed towards my lap, I looked at his sleepy red eyes pleading me to agree and I couldn't say no to him, I want this more than him, I took a deep breath as I moved my back towards the bed's end and pat my lap so he'll know that I accepted. Every muscle on his back moved as he crawled to me placing his head gently on my lap, again I took a deep breath as I placed my hands in his soft silky hair, gently playing with his black strands massaging his scalp,

"You know, if I died like this, I'd be damn lucky," he muttered burying his head farther into my lap.

"But I won't," I replied, however, he was already asleep.

Bending down to kiss his temple I lowered myself resting my head on the pillow as I thought about his words.


Sorry for the short late updates. :)

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