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~~Two weeks later ~~

For the past two weeks, Talia was acting more like herself, no more hiding her true personality and her bubbly side. She's no more locked in her shell and surrounding herself by massive blocks of walls. She's blabbering from time to time, asking questions and interrupting me every time I say something inappropriate or wrong. She uses sarcasm and even throws a joke or two when Sabrine and Mark are over. I'd like to admit that I like this side of her a lot. But that's only when Mark or Sabrine is around, when they come by for breakfast or just a quick visit when we're alone, she's distant; there physically but not mentally. She's been sleeping in her own room for the past week as well and I hate to admit that being next to her, close to her and beside her was ten times better. 

"Good morning," she greeted as soon as I stepped into the kitchen. I rubbed the sleep away and purred hot coffee into my mug and sat down facing her.  "Bonjour," I muttered shifting my body to the other side and flatly placing my arm on the table and laying my head on it. A yawn escaped my lips unable to control the coming yawns. I didn't get enough sleep last night. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked Talia as I scooped some scrambled eggs and bacon into my plate. I looked at her tired face as she let out a breath her eyes gazing slightly with unshed tears and I panicked a bit unable to figure out why she's been in another world these few days. 

She smiled, her smile didn't reach her eyes, it was more like a forced smile and for the past weeks, I can now easily spot her forces smiles and the ones she gives me when I pass her a scoop of ice cream before bedtime. She forces her smiles to Mark or to one of Sabrine's silly tales, but she never flashed me one before. Until now

"N-nothing really," she stammered no longer hungry as she played with the rest of her food. I couldn't add anything to what she said, so a nod was the best thing I could do. A nod. 


It was eight in the afternoon and I was really tired. I barely moved from this couch, I kept watching television and taking naps while Talia in her room doing whatever. I wanted to get up and chat with her, I want to ask her why she's been acting weird lately. I wanted to look into her beautiful orbs and make sure she's fine myself. But I couldn't. Every time I stand up my brain plays tricks and I end up sitting down again and sweating like a tired pig. 

While I'm sitting being nervous I saw her shadow coming into the room and I raised my head just enough to see her beautiful face. She sat across the room and kept playing with the hem of her shirt, her fingers fidgeting slightly as she ignored my stare. 

I'm not fully sure when I started to develop these feelings, when I found her beautiful or when I enjoyed her company. But along the way, I found her someone special someone that you can't find anywhere. I never thought that I'd be capable of having those feelings, emotions other than hate and anger. I never thought that I'll be imagining the future or even considering being with someone. 

With just a glance, my heart would beat faster than a cheetah, just a smile and I'd kill to keep it fixed on her lips, just a blush on her fluffy cheeks and I'd find myself dizzy, lost. Her orbs, her deep eyes would make me hot and bothered, would make me feel so many things that I can't even describe and I hate to be this lost. I hate to have all of those things running inside of my head. 

"Are you okay?" I found myself asking with a weak voice but clear enough since she turned her head towards me. 

"Ya," she said in a low tone her eyes slightly looking at my face but she averted them immediately. 

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