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The looks on her face felt very familiar, reminded me of the old days when I had someone looking after me. Her eyes shined with unshed tears as her hands covered the lower half of her face. I never thought I'll ever witness this, her caring, her being scared; for me. 

"I'm fine," I managed to say just as she gasped. 

"What h-happened to you!" her tiny steps towards me were enough to alert me but I had little time to react. Her cold shaky hands covered my face, the tips of her fingers brushing ever so lightly on my bruises. 

"Talia, are you- are you crying?" the panic I managed to control came rising within seconds as I watched her tears falling on her skinny face. I liked her caring side but not this. 

"Oh my lord! God what happened t-to you?" she asked again lower this time as if she doesn't want me to hear, like she's asking herself, or maybe her lord. I winced, unable to answer her question. 

"Oh I'm s-sorry." she apologised as she placed her hands on her sides, regret flashed in her glassy eyes. "Heartless people," she mumbled to herself leaving me alone with my thoughts. Should I tell her who's more heartless? 

"Joseph," she called me shaking my shoulder tenderly. "Come on," 

We sat in the living room, silence filling it as she cleaned my face. Gently she touched my bruised cheek and gently she would dap the cotton. She shiffted uncomfortably still dabing the cotton on my burning skin. I couldt stop looking at her, staring at her shaking figures as she cleaned the cuts. I had my eyes on her face, on every corner, memorizing every feature. She became my favourite thing to observe. 

"Merci," I thanked her softly as I looked at my now wrapped hand. 

"Does it hurts?" 

"I'm fine, don't worry," I told her tapping her own hand with my unharmed one.

"Did you at least fight back?" she asked smiling. I raised my eyebrow as I stood up "That's a bit offensive Talia," I replied with a tiny smile on my chapped lips. "What did you do when I wasn't here?" I asked leaning back comfortably trying to chat a bit.

"Not much, I watched a movie and changed my room decor," she answered happily. Whenever she's happy or in a good mood she reflects that energy on me as well, I'll find myself automatically feeling better. I smiled myself, she did something for herself without even asking, that's what I want since the beginning. 

"I-I mean t-the room y-you g-gave me." she stammered, and I frowned at what she added. Gently I pushed her closer to me, placing my hand on her waist keeping her in place "It's your room Talia, your room okay? You're not a prisoner here, consider yourself my roommate, okay?" 

"I'm glad I'm here," she whispered, but I heard it. I'm glad you're here too. She closed the space between us hugging me tightly as she mumbled a thank you in the crook of my neck, I held her tighter placing my hands on her waist scared of letting go.



I woke up looking around me uncertain of my surroundings. The hands resting on my waist  brought me back to reality, my barely opened eyes saw his face and I swallowed a gasp as I carefully untangled myself . Walking towards the kitchen tingles sprayed my body as I felt hot all over, a sudden heat on my cheeks and a prickling sensation in my bones.

"Joseph," I whispered softly shaking his uncovered abdomen gently. I sat on the edge of the sofa watching his body twist in different uncomfortable positions trying to shake the sleep off. 

"Morning." he finally said with a raspy voice, 

"I made breakfast." was the only thing I could come up with as I stood up, clearing my own voice "Wash your face and come." 

"Yes mum,"


"Thank you," he said placing his plate in the sink.

"Anytime," "Can you please sit down so I can change your bandage?"

"Of course mom," he said with a stupid grin.

He sat down stretching his arm to me, I removed the bandage frowning at the sight of his blue-red hand, forming purple bruise in the middle of his palm.

"Does it hurts?" I asked him.

"A bit." was all he answered avoiding eye contact.

"I'll be out today," he informed me as I placed the new clean bandage gently so I won't hurt him.

"Again?" I asked.


"No," I said, against what he said.

"No?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, don't go, why would you go? So you'll get hurt again?" I said, giving him no space to answer my question.

"Talia," he breathed out cupping one of my cheeks with his fine hand rubbing my cheek with his thumb,

"I have to go princess, but I won't get hurt, not today, I promise," he explained.

"If you get hurt again I won't clean your cuts again," I said folding my arms across my chest.

"But mama, we didn't agree on this," he said faking a sad tune.

"You're a tough guy, you'll be able to take care of yourself."

"I'll always need my mama," he said joking, but I felt like it's out of his heart.

"I wanted to help- but," he said shrugging his shoulder raising his hand so I'll understand,

"It's fine, I miss doing this," I said.

"When was the last time you did dishes?" he asked laughing.

"Two years," I answered shrugging my shoulder.

"Two fucking years?!" he said with wide eyes.

"Yes, two years year."


I hope you liked it, shorter than the rest but I'll do my best in the next, 

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