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"This is not fun," Talia said throwing her body on the sofa we just cleaned.

"You said it would be," she completed throwing her head backwards.

"Ya I guess I was wrong," I shrugged throwing my own body next to her.

"We still have the kitchen and my room princess,"

"What am I supposed to say?" she asked rolling her eyes.

"Don't say anything, move your beautiful ass," I said standing up helping her, "and don't roll your eyes,"  I completed moving towards the kitchen.

After the bedroom part this morning, we directly start cleaning the house it felt good to be here again, a part of me wants to run again but I wasn't alone I have Talia, being with her here wasn't bad I couldn't run again. We cleaned in silence neither one of us felt like talking. The whole time I was thinking if she's fine from the inside but I didn't want to ask.

"Done," she sights celebrating.

"It wasn't that bad," I said looking at the organised and clean kitchen, we replaced everything, cleaned the counters and the floor and washed the floor. We still have the backyard but I didn't tell Talia about it still. She thinks we only have my room and I'd like to keep it like this.

"Your room big boy," she said moving upstairs in slow steps.

"If you don't want to help it's fine, there's nothing much to do, go take a nap," I suggested but she shook her head opening my door.

My childhood room was dark, grey-black and dark blue were the only colours to see. Floor covered with dark hard wooden parquet. My room was full of photographs I took, grouped across one wall opposite to my bed, I used to stick a lot of art and pictures on it. I had a big map with coloured pins of places I went too when I was young.

"Wow," Talia whispered.

"You liked it?" I asked.

"Other than the dull colours, it's beautiful."

"Let's start," I said picking up the dust-full covers off my bed and tossing them to the side, while Talia grabbed the piece of fabric and start cleaning the lint off my cupboard and hardboard of my bed. She looked beautiful, so busy and focusing as the sun rays hitting her beautiful figure.

"Um- want help in that?" she asked, faint pinkish colour rising on her cheek as she looked at the box of clothes I'm holding trying to refold it neatly.

"No- I'm good," I said not looking at her.

She walked to the dresser I could feel her opening each one and taking out the stuff and I was hoping not to open the last one but I was late with my petitions,

"Who's this beautiful lady?"

I sigh heavily, you can tell her Joseph, long time ago.

"Mum," was the only thing I could say before throwing the box inside my closet and getting out of my room.



I regret asking him, she already looked like him it was obvious, stupid Talia.

The young lady looked a bit like Joseph with her natural stunning blue-green eyes and full pink lips, but her hair was bright red which was nothing like Joseph. I did not follow Joseph instead I opened the closet again taking out the box and rearranging his boxers and socks as my cheeks started to heat at the sight of his Calvin Klein boxers. Oh, God.

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