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A week passed and I'm still making sure I'm getting closer to her, we've been on good sides since the last time she heard me playing. Every night she'll narrate one of her stories and how badly she misses her amazing mom, but never went far. She made sure not to slip any unwanted information and I haven't pressured her into telling me. But the longer it takes the more it bothers me, I don't know who to protect her from, and without any data, I can't take a step further.

I couldn't share much with her either afraid if I did she'll run. So instead I managed to fool her that I'm a regular bad boy who likes to do fights from time to time, and this seems to be enough for now. Swiping the steam off the bathroom's mirror I tight the towel around my waist, walking through the hallway to my room just when a sudden rushed Talia bumped into me my hand automatically found her hips pulling her up immediately. Steadying her as I kept my tight grasp on her covered sides.

"S-sorry I-" she apologized gasping when her gaze met my naked torso, her eyes fixed on my body for a few seconds before she took a step back. I watched her swallow, carefully trying to avoid any eye contact and I stood there, my arms folded enjoying the scene of her uncomfortable state.

"Like what you see?" I asked raising an eyebrow trying to irritate her even further and her eyes widened as she looked at me, nervously scratching the back of her neck.

"N-No?" her question-like reply allowed a few chuckles to escape my lips. I looked at her winking at her shy form before reaching my room and closing the door slowly.


"What do you want for dinner?" I asked her as I entered the living room.

"I- I don't know"

"What about Italian?" I suggested and watched her eagerly nodding her head. I smiled, "You have five minutes to get ready Talia," I said as I watched her confused face looking at mine.

"Come on!" I said holding her arm as I pushed her softly towards her room.

The ride was surprisingly comfortable, nothing was said as the soft music playing as background noise. I wanted a reason to take her out, I know it must be hard being stuck in a house for too long so I convinced my mind that that's the only reason why I'm taking her out.

"Talia, just take a seat in there I'll park the car and come, okay?" I asked as I stopped in front of the restaurant.

"O-okay," she hesitates in leaving but did when I assure her I won't take long she flashed me a smile and left, making sure she's inside I turned around hunting for nearby parking.

"Hey," I said as I sat down putting my keys and phone on the table.

"What took you so long?"

"It's been five minutes Talia," I said smiling as I sat down. "What do you wanna eat?"

"Pizza," she said excitedly.


We were about to leave as a firm hand stopped me, a familiar voice filling my ears and I turned to look at the caller. "Joseph?!"

"Leo?" I said taking his offered hand slowly shaking it.

"What are you doing here?"

"Having dinner," I said as I scanned the room for Victor.

"Who's the lady?" his eyes flickered towards Talia.

"No one important," I answered hoping he'll let it be. "Do you mind sharing?" a dirty grin was sent towards her.

"Sorry Leo, she's a good fuck can't let her go," I forced myself to come up with a reason, any answer that'll allow us to leave.

"Well, good choice, have fun," he said winking our way before he disappeared into a booth.

Turning my head towards Talia, I already saw her walking past tables, fuck.

"Talia," I called once we stepped into the house but she rushed towards the bathroom locking the door behind her. I leaned on the cold wall beside the bathroom waiting for her to get out, a while later I heard vomiting from the inside and my fists were knocking on the door violently calling her name nonstop.

"Talia, open the door," I decreed her. "Talia for God's sake open the fucking door," I said again knocking harder if possible. Few minutes and the door blast open, showing Talia with her red eyes and pale skin, she tried to balance herself walking with slow and heavy steps, the moment she walked outside of the bathroom she tended her body on mine,

"Fuck," I mumbled underneath my breath as I took her to her room. Putting her gently on the bed covering her with her fluffy blanket, I went back to the bathroom checking the small cupboard taking out two pills.

"Talia, get up princess," I said picking her weak body helping her take the two pills. Her eyes fixed on the clear cup of water that now lays on her lap. "When?" she murmured so lightly I barely heard her.

"When what princess?" I asked confused.

"When are you going to have your way with me?"

"Talia, please rest now, we'll talk about this shit later," I told her as I lowered myself planning to kiss her head but she immediately turned around covering the rest of her body.

I really fucked up.


Thank you for reading :)

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