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Two Days Later


"Talia!" I shouted from upstairs folding my hands into fits.

"I'm coming," she yelled back, hearing her footsteps coming towards me I hid behind the door waiting for her to step in and the moment I saw her legs, I ran towards her wrapping my hands around her waist and carried her gaining a yelp of surprise, throwing her on my shoulder while she tries her best to breake free from my grasp.

"Joseph!" she yelled hitting my back with her tiny hands and I chuckled when she cursed at the lack of my feelings.

I threw her on my bed, we're still cleaning the mess, I'm after who did it. I'm not sure who but for sure I'll know, for now we're staying in the same room sleeping on the same bed with the promise that I won't try anything. At night I'd be wide awake with her hands on my chest and her this close to me the control I'm having is slowly fading away.

"Why did you do this?" I pointed to my black hoodie that was next to her head. She bit her lips and for a second I forgot what I asked. She let out an innocent chuckle making me smile on the inside but from the outside I was still angry faking the straight face.

"You said you won't give it to me!" she said folding her hands across her hands even when she's laying down on our bed with her annoyed face and angry mood she still looks innocent and Cute.

"So you cut it?!" I asked amusement covered the anger in my voice.

"I'm sorry?" she said but came out more like a question and I shook my head not accepting her apology, yet.

"But I'm sorry," she said getting up on her knees till she was facing me, her breath now fanning my face and I looked into her eyes, she clearly wasn't feeling as sorry as she sounds. I was about to roll my eyes when her soft lips attached to mine, deepening the kiss with her hand roaming my body and mines copying hers.

"Talia," I breathed breaking the kiss, I looked into her eyes love and lust coating them, "You can't do this to me, I don't know how much I can keep myself controlled," I said honestly and she smiled, sending a wave of happiness down my spine. Her looks were telling me clearly that she forgot her innocence and she's playing the role of the bad girl, and to be honest I like it.

"Then don't," she shrugged and before I could say anything her lips were on mine again, a long heated kiss was shared before I came back to my sense.

"Talia stop!" I said breaking the kiss again, "You're not ready," I said making my words clear enough for her to understand what I mean. I tried my best to let her understand that, she needs time and I know that, I understand but since yesterday she's acting weird more touchy and needy, not that I don't want too but I'm not used to this Talia.

"Who told you that!" She said annoyed and stood up fully on the ground folding her hands.

"I know, it's fine you need time and I understand we don't have to rush anything," I said coming closer but stopped when I saw her walking back avoiding my confused stare.

"Okay, you're right, I'm rushing things," she said looking straight into my eyes mixed of hurt and anger coated her eyes. I don't understand why she's feeling like this all I want for her to be ready I don't want to rush her into anything.

"Okay," I sighed as I walked out of my room letting her stay alone for a while to think, maybe she'll understand where I'm coming from.

"Tom?" I asked the moment I answered the phone.

"Joseph, a storm is coming," he said and I frowned unable to understand fully what he means.

"A storm?" I questioned again.

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