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"I can't do this," I huffed from behind the door.

"Yes you can now come on." his irritated voice was heard clearly and I gulped nervously taking a deep breath. "Just, just g-give me one of your t-shirts I don't need t-this," I tried again hoping that this time he'll agree. I've been hiding behind this door for thirty minutes now. When I asked for some clothes he immediately suggested to visit the mall and buy some stuff, he said he can't leave me alone and I think he's scared I'd run away. I'm dressed in a short dress that made me cringe, I never dressed in something this revealing. I've been trying to convince him to give me something else to wear but he's not listening.

"As much as I love to princess I really can't, we're going out and you'll look inappropriate," He said.

"I n-never wore s-something like t-this," I sigh as I unlocked the door carefully. I covered my face with my messy strands as I stood in front of him awkwardly.

"It's the only thing Sabrine has, come on." He said in a boring tone and I can't blame him, I'm overreacting and he's being nice enough to take me out and buy me some clothes. I stayed quiet waiting for his command but his bored look didn't change as I watch him type furiously on his mobile screen. "J-Joseph," I called after some moments, I still find it weird calling him by his first name, I was never allowed to call him by his name. He slowly raised his head glancing towards me. He locked his eyes with mine as he placed his phone in his back pocket and I took two steps forward trying to avoid his stare. A blush made its way to my cheeks when I saw him scanning my body. His eyes took in every detail, leaving me a hot mess under his heated orbs.

"Let's go," he coldly said as he turned around grabbing his car keys from the counter. I felt uneasy when he didn't say anything, did I look that bad?

He took a step towards me and I can't help but take one back, "When will you stop doing that?" He warns and I froze in my place recognizing his annoyed tone, again he took a step closer to me looking right into my eyes, and I wonder if he can see right through me, that's what I feel every time he looks at me. His eyes never left my face for a few minutes and by every passing second, my impatience increased.

"Let's go," he simply ordered when he was done. I followed silently until we stood next to the door, he gave me a small look before opening the door and stepping aside so I would get out, he locked the door and surprised me when he guided me by placing the tips of his fingers on my back.

I stopped walking when he stopped next to a fancy black car, I stood there ogling the stunning vehicle until his voice interrupted "Anytime sooner?" he asked his voice filled with amusement.
I get in the passenger seat adjusting the seat belt but to my luck, nothing was going well, It's been ages since I sat in a car let alone a fancy one. Putting the seat belt was harder than I thought but I kept trying till I felt his close presence, my fingers froze midway and my breath hitched as I waited for his next move, but all he took the seat belt and placed it across my chest smoothly and I heard the click in a matter of seconds. His arrogant smirk went unnoticed by me and I couldn't but roll my eyes inwardly, but I was thankful as I nod my head at him and he turned his body facing the steering wheel.


"I'm trying my best to be somehow nice at this but I have to make this as clear as possible," he started just as we parked the car in front of the shopping center. He turned his face towards me and I shifted in my seat waiting for what might come out of his mouth next. "Think about running away and you'll find yourself running into your grave," he said as he crossed his arms, and all gulped loudly, fear taking over within seconds. "You can't run, and even if you did it'll a matter of time before I find you. If you were lucky enough you'll be found by me, but I can't help if it was Victor or any of his men. So in order to stay safe and alive, I suggest you stick by my side and don't risk your precious soul, d'accord?" he finished as he removed the keys and opened his door halfway, I guess he was waiting for an answer but I didn't trust my voice so all I could do was nod.

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