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I couldn't ignore the voice that's been calling my name over and over for a while now. At first, I turned my body facing the back of the sofa enough for the person to stop saying my name for a few minutes and I thought they gave up, that I'll complete my sleep. But I was wrong, very wrong, the annoying voice came again louder this time and I couldn't ignore it anymore.

"Sabrine!" I huffed as I sat up, turning my face completely so I can shout at her but I was met with someone else.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly trying hard not to hold her by the throat. I take my sleeping very seriously cause it's rare to even happen, and here she is waking me up, interrupting my slumber.

"J-joseph," my name passed her cherry lips, stuttering at first but it slipped out and my body tensed. This is the first time she calls me by my name and the fact that she said it in a whisper while her innocent eyes staring at my soul wasn't helping. She's too close.

"Leave, I wanna sleep," I mumbled ready to turn my body again but she had to speak, she had to add something. Can't she fucking listen?

"B-but the breakfast is ready, t-they told me to w-wake you up." she sputtered at every other word and it was hard to cope with it while I'm irritated and galling, I just stared at her coldly letting her know that I'm mad, I want her to know that her presence isn't pleasing, especially in the morning. "What do you mean by they?" I asked stretching my sore limbs. Fuck being a gentleman, I'm taking the bed later.

"Mark and his wife," she answered as she walked toward the door with long strides, giving me a nice view to look at. I never gave anyone my clothes and the fact that she's roaming around the house with my black shirt is a sight I never expected to see. I'm not complaining though.

"I'm coming, close the door behind you,"


"Your Majesty! Thank you for appearing and blessing us with your presence," Mark boomed the moment I stepped into the kitchen. He slightly bowed adding to his comic scene giving the girls a show as they both giggled.

My face turned to Talia who was busy laughing at the fool act of Marks'. But the moment our eyes met she immediately stooped, the fainted smile on her face disappeared and she tilted her head downwards in absolute submission and a scowl was placed on my face. Why was she acting this way?

Just like that, the atmosphere shifted into a tensed hole.

"Good morning to you too," Sabrine said ironically with and encouraging smile as I sat down on the opposite chair facing the one and only, Talia.

My mouth watered as I saw the food in front of me, I didn't wanna miss any moment so I dug into my food like a wild animal shoving whatever Sabrine placed in my plate. I didn't bother looking at anyone, my mind was in a mess, my body tired and demanded rest and a lot of food so the last thing I want is a pair of eyes draining my soul deliberately.

"Stop looking at me!" I growled out as I banged my fist on the table, her body flinched shaking with fear and her eyes watered a bit but she held in a breath as I watched her figure sink further into her chair.

"Joseph!" Mark said with a warning tone as he shook his head giving me a death stare, but I ignored him and went back to my plate as if nothing happened. Like she didn't leave her still full plate and like I didn't make her cry again.

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