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I didn't get any sleep yesterday, just staring at the ceiling hearing Talia's low sobs, and I wasn't able to do anything about it, I know I hurt her, its all because of me, I know she's disappointed at me, hell I'm disappointed at myself, I also know that she's remembering her past moment by moment. Over the past weeks, I tried my best to make her forget and I succeeded until tonight where I remind her of everything.

But Leo is Victor's right hand if I told him anything he'll go tell Victor, I needed to say that so they'd believe I'm only playing with her, but I'm not.

Standing in the middle of the bathroom now since an hour, it's six am and I didn't get any sleep, wondering if Talia slept well at night or if she vomited again. A lot was going through my head, stepping into the shower allowing the hot steamy water hit my back, letting me relax for a bit.

I sat on my bed fully clothed, still overwhelmed by what will happen, or what will her reaction be when she wakes up. Will she be fine? Will she believe me if I told her the reason? Will she trust me again?

Thinking over and over about it until I heard something crash, I get up fast opening the door looking over the place,

"I-I'm s-sorry, I-I didn't m-meant t-too break t-the v-vase." she stutters, and I frowned when she stammered at each word, she's back to this, I told myself as she was picking up the broken pieces of glass, I bent down helping her. 

"Shit," she mumbled underneath her breath as a broken glass got into her thumb, squeezing her thumb her eyes went wild at the sight of blood.

"Hey, let me see," I said softly getting up.

"N-no! Stay a-away," she said hitting the wall behind her.

"Talia I won't hurt you, just let me see," I said asking her permission again.

"N-no, please," she begged.

"Baby, I'll only check your thumb and I'll leave you alone, I'll only help you, okay?" I asked walking towards her with short careful steps.

She stayed quite just looking at her hand, but her eyes are saying a lot of things, I took her silence as a yes and get the material from the bathroom cupboard. I looked at her calmed face my eyes assuring her I won't hurt her, carefully I took her hand in mine checking the cut.

"It's not deep," I pointed while spraying some sterile cleaning the cut. Exactly placing the plaster over it hiding the cut perfectly.

"T-thank y-you," she said looking at her hand.

"Anytime princess," picking the rest of the glass.

Standing beside the opened fridge unsure of what should I make for today's lunch, searching for something easy and delicious. I decided to go with the French Onion Soup and some shrimps on the side.

Preparing everything on the stove I went to check up on Talia. Knocking the door hearing a fade 'come in'.

She was laying down on her side looking at the sky lost in thoughts.

"W-what d-do you want?" she asked immediately sitting up as she saw me.

"Nothing, checking on my princess," I shrugged, "How are you feeling now?" I asked.

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