Fucking Survival Habit (Adam)

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You've been friends with Adam quite long, close but not yet as a lover. You met him on a ball. Although nowadays ball is a rare event and not everyone seems much interested to attend it. But you still managed your presence.

Such as a gentleman, he asked you to dance with him. A handsome figure in black white suit. Both of you sway in perfect rhythm, you were almost melt with his gaze that never leaving you along with his elegant movements. You and him exchanged names and he asked whether he can see you again.

Along your friendship, he showed you his mansion at outskirt. He was a talented musician with many musical instruments you found in his mansion. He was so nice and kind. Eventually you found out his true form. He never harmed or scared you. You promised to him to keep your mouth shut because you don't wanna the others found who he is, you couldn't bear if they slaughter him.

"It's been so nice to have you as a companion, since eve left me." he said.

"Eve?" you questioned him.

"She was my wife." he said simply. You didn't ask him why she left him because you don't want him to get upset.

"I see. You are very lonely then."

"Yes, it's been centuries."

"Wow. You've been lived for centuries? That's extraordinary."

"Are you afraid of me now y/n?"

"Absolute not. If you want to harm me, you already done that." you said. He chuckled.

You sometimes brought him a gift that he desired most. Crimson fluids, you bought them from blood bank. These are safe from blood poison contamination. He was blithe to receive it.

One day you promised him to met you on certain place. You were waiting for him. It was already dark. You felt discomfort as you felt someone was watching you all the time. You felt terrified and Adam hasn't shown yet.

You saw a man turn around the corner who begins walking down the street in your direction. You stepped back, he was fast, you intend to run but it was too late.

You woke up gasping, strugging to breath, your body aching. Your head pounding, throbbing, it's hard to stay conscious. You were in Adam's mansion. "What happened?" you whispered feeling exhausted. His hands resting gently on your shoulder when he explained you were attack by a well known disseminator. The man managed to turn you, not to drain you. You gasped. Tears started to run down on your cheeks. He put his arms around you, letting you cry.

"I'm sorry y/n." he said sadly. You do not know what to say or to think as you collapse into Adam's chest, him holding you.

"If I have picked you up earlier, these won't be happened." he muttered, his head on your hair, breathing your scent.

"Please forgive y/n." you looked at him, tears were stained on his cheek, as you wiped them with your thumb. "I did not blame you, Adam." He lead you to couch.

"I do not know what to say, Adam. Everything happened so fast. And I felt-"

"Shh, I know. I know. You will be fine. I promised." he said as he cupped your cheeks and kiss your forehead. You found his hug reassuring and calming, so stay in his arms longer.

You'd finished drying your tears. Adam pulled back. "Wait here." You nodded. He came back holding a transparent bottle and a glass. The bottle was filled with red fluids. You saw it, then you felt something inside your stomach started to grow gradually sprading through your whole body.

He placed it on the table in front of you. You swallow hard as you gazed at it. "You need this." he said calmy. He looked at you. "I'm aware what it is." you said, holding your breath struggling to refuse.

"NO." you declares as you moved step back. "This is what we called fucking survival habit." he said sarcastic. "It's..... disgusting." you startled at your words. "That thought won't hold any longer, soon you'll crave for it." he warned. "I refuse." you shook your head. You knew once you consume it, soon you'll addicted.

"I shall leave them here. Take your time. I'll be downstairs if you need me." he left you completely blank, cold, afraid, alone.

Those crimson fluids were tempting. Hardly to refuse. No you Can't. You won't. You run into a room as you found out it was Adam's. You locked the door. Hide inside it. Hold your knees to your chest. Once again crying. What should you do know? God please help me. The feeling of hungry grow bit by bit. It takes all your strength to fight it.

It has been three days you were lying there, limp, totally mess, half-conscious. You were death already, there was no cure for Vampirism. The lust to drink blood was worse than death. No vampire will die without drinking blood since the immortal fate sealed within your body. You chuckled to yourself, I'm getting insane. You don't care. You refuse to ingest.

Adam showed up, he looked at the table. It haven't been touched or even removed. Where is she? He tried to knock on the door, once, two. "y/n?" "Are you in there?" "y/n answered me!" There was no answer coming.

She was tough for a beginner, Adam thought. Stubborn. But Adam love her. Adam knew if she refuse to feed, she would dessicate and appear to be a dead person with no heartbeat or respiration. She will only in perpetual delusional dream state, equivalent of a coma in humans.

"y/n?" he called again, this time louder. "GO AWAY." you snapped, yelling from inside. Adam was relief, y/n still could managed to yell at him. It means she still there, not yet enter a deep eternal sleep. "Open the door y/n!" "y/n." "if you juat wanna try to convince me, GO AWAY. " "Please Y/N." There was no answer this time. Adam was trying to think how to figure it out.

Your body grow weaker over time. Hungry still yes, hooked inside you, overwhelming. And sleep felt more tempting to do now. Deep eternal sleep. You were desperate. Adam, you called him, your voice barely audible now, he won't hear you. You would not be able to reveal your feeling to him now.

It was six day, she has in there. Adam lost his patience waiting. This is the longest as he knew, she won't be able to handle it. Adam love her since the day they met. He will not let her suffering. He was relief, found a duplicate keys to his room.

He entered, found her lying limp body on the bed. Her skin was so pale, more grey in colour with reduction in muscle mass. "y/n" he shook her shoulder. "y/n can you hear me." she didn't budge, no sound coming from her lips. Adam parted his lips and brought a spoon, pouring down a sip of liquid. He waited.

You opened your eyes slightly as soon you felt a taste linger down your throat. It filling you up, a moan escaping your lips. Feeling as if an animal was growling inside you. You groaned. The feeling was overwhelming. Satisfaction. Everything mixed up.

"y/n I'm sorry I have to do this. I don't want you to suffer any longer. I... I love you y/n since first I met you." Adam said as a tear came down.

"Adam." you called him, stroking his cheek. He pulled you into embrace, "I love you too Adam." you whispered.

"You do?" Adam looked into your eyes.

"I do."

IMAGINE (Loki, Adam, Tom, Thomas Sharpe) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now