Huge Topic (Loki)

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It was nice warm breeze one afternoon. There was no mission today so here what the Avenger's member gathering in the living room. Do you want to know what they were doing at the moment? Some of them watch sport, one of them were munching on poptarts, some of them were on training room sharpening whatever their weapon, few of them were chatting, discussion whatever you didn't interested, few of them in the lab, and you, you were reading at the moment.

Put your self on comfortable seat a little far from them, you sat on with a cup of tea in your hand and a good book to help pass the day.

You were drowning in whatever you read, don't even bother to the noises around you and a pair of green eyes that you didn't realize keep on observing you while you buried your nose down to your book.

Until you sensed him, your gaze met his, but immediately he looked the other way. He was obviously avoiding your eyes contact. Why would he did that? Was it something he would like to say?

You shrug your shoulders and forget about it. Then went into your book again although you found it not really insterest you much.

After you thought everything was fine, the billionare Stark came over and interrupt your peace.

"Hello sweety, care to accompany me for a drink?" Tony said winking and took a seat next to you. Oh my.

"Nope, thanks." You answered casually.

"Oh come on y/n. You're no fun." Tony poured a glass and insisted hand it over to you.

"Sir, do I have to remind you I don't drink." In fact you can't drink liquor even with very low alcohol content.

You were the youngest Avenger so far, Tony like a big brother but he could be annoying sometimes. "Even a little? I don't believe ya."

"Tony, I think you are already drunk. Now excuse me, I need to go." you rose to your feet but Tony held your wrist.

"Just this time and then you're free to go." Tony being stubborn. What the hell went to him today.

What you didn't know the raven-haired God was watching all the scene. Suddenly he was standing in front of Tony.

"I believe this lady doesn't drink. She never touch any of it. Let her go Stark."

The billionare was troubled by the sudden prince's attendance in front of him. Tony gaze fell on Loki. "My.. my..who do we have here, Reindeer Games, an ex-con now is acting like a savior. But I believe this is none of your concern." Tony glared at him, stand up and faced chest-to-chest with the God. Their eyes locked each other.

Oh no. Please don't start a fight. "Loki, it's okay. Tony's drunk. He didn't think clearly." you said calm as you pushed the God by his chest a little further back.

Loki looked at you, took your wrist and whispered "Did he hurt you?" A slight of worry on his tone. Why would Loki worry. It's just Tony. Tony would never hurt you after all.

You were internally screaming of happiness that the God has cares for you. It would be a lie if you never attract to this God.

Tony cleared his throat "Sorry to interrupt. Did you two???" Tony raised his eyebrows and looked at you and then to Loki.

Being so close with the God made your heart beat quicker than usual and unaware your hand was still on his chest. "Nooo," we both said awkwardly in unison. You lower your hand immediately and turned around.

"Good, because I don't wanna y/n get hurt by you." Tony pointed out.

"And darling, I don't want you to get too close to him." Tony warned.

You rolled your eyes "Tony I'm a grown up woman. I don't need such a protection."

"I would never hurt her. If I did, I rather die." Loki suddenly outburst, his heart is in distress.

"For God sake, don't tell me you fall in in love with her, do ya?" Tony eyed him suspicously as he put his both hands on his waist.

"I..." for the first time God of Mischief was running out of words. He adores you after all these times, you were kind and beautiful and he can't help to fall in love with you. Yet he was too afraid you don't have same feeling towards him. Anyway who wants to love a monster like him.

"Tony, there is no one in this world that he CAN'T or DOESN'T ALLOWED to love." You snapped.

There. You finally spit it out. You have no idea but the words just came out of your lips. You took Loki's hand and lead him somewhere leaving Tony dumbfounded standing there.

Once you think you've been far enough away, you looked at him who was smirking down at you. "What? Is there's something funny?"

"No, you look adorable when you're angry by the way." A smile spread across his face. He always knew what to say in order to make you blush

"Loki thanks for defending me." your angelic voice drive him crazy and you tiptoe and went up to kiss his cheek. Now his turn to blush like a red tomato. You can't help let out a lightly chuckle at him which is quite adorable, he thought. He found himself more and more attracted by you.

He brought you to him and crashed his lips on yours. You froze and didn't know how to react, yet you started responding to his kiss. You tangled your fingers in his hair and you both deepened the kiss until it was hard to breathe. He let you go and hugged you, probably to hide the blush that rose on his cheeks. Your lips tastes Sweet valhalla.

"What do you think Tony would say after this?" he pulled back whispered as he gently played with the strands of your hair.

"Maybe we'll be a huge topic of conversation for some time ahead" you answered him.

"Are you afraid?"

You shook your head "No, as long as you're always on my side." then he brought your chin up for another passionate kiss.

IMAGINE (Loki, Adam, Tom, Thomas Sharpe) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now