Immortal Fate (Adam)

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Sequel to Fucking survival habit.

Disclaimer : I do not support self-harmed or suicide.


The next couple weeks of your life were tough. Your feelings were up and down like a rollercoster. You still not get used to this kind of fate-- The hunger of blood that we craved above all else. You barely could not control it. Although you tend try and try to hold back your desires most of the time. Still being stubborn as a mule,  Adam would say.

Adam has asked you to live on the same roof with him. He said it will pretty much safe than lived alone by yourself. So you agreed. He took you back to your apartment where you used to live before. You have no family. You packed your stuffs; clothes, gadgets, books and some women stuff. So here you are, claimed his room into yours.  He didn't mind. His room was fairly big, given that there was barely any furnitures besides large bed, closet, desk and a chair. Adam moved to another room downstairs.

Feeling jet lag, when Adam slept during day and awake at night. You did it vise versa. You had troublesome to keep your eyes open all night long. So you and Adam never really obtain together. If you were being quite honest, there wasn't a lot of activity in the mansion. You barely dare to touch his stuffs, most of them were antic and historical. You were afraid if you break them. So you spend most of the day in your room; read, write, listen to the music, etc.

Sunlight is one of the basic weaknesses of all vampires. You missed the warm sensation on your pale skin. A fool experiment, your hands were burn and steam because direct exposure of sunshine, but not fatal. Adam has not know yet about this.

Being a vampire is hard. Having to keep it a secret and never being able to tell anyone without getting slaughter. Sometimes you wish you could go back in time and not go out that day. You want to live your whole life like you should've. You want to have a family, get married, have children, rise them and grow old. You wanted to be happy. You never asked for any of this.

Adam reraly show affection or any of emotions. You wondered did he truly thought the things he said that he loved you or did he just try to mess with your head.

You became more depressed, sad, and the thought of suicide haunted you.

During dead of the night, Adam went outside, sometimes. He in his doctor costume carrying containers, masquerading, visit local blood bank for his coveted O negative. There were a lot suppy in the fridge and never running out of. You know where I keep them, help your self, Adam said.

Same like tonight, he startled you while you were in the room, mourned. He showed up from your back. You gasp. Still not get used to.

"Would you consider to knock first, instead appearing unexpected like a Phantom? " you said to him.

"I'll be gone for a while." he said. "Stay here." he added. Like you would go anywhere else. And then he left... Again.

You huff. You were not tired yet, so you decided to rearrange some your stuffs in your room. You accidentally found a vintage gun under the bed. You sat down and pulled out his revolver and opened the bullet case. There was only one bullet. As you examined it carefully, this was made from spesific materials, not the usual. But for what purpose?

The vision plague your mind. You see yourself grabbing a gun and placing it at your chest and BANG! It's over. As if you were never here. Gruesome way to end up. Maybe it would be better that way.

So you laid down on your bed, placed the gun on your heart and closed your eyes. This will be the last air you breathed. You have finally made a choice today. Yes, you give up.

IMAGINE (Loki, Adam, Tom, Thomas Sharpe) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now