What are you? (Adam)

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Pairing : Adam x Reader

Adam saved her from those traffickers. He was her guardian angel.
The situations got complicated when the supply of his need in blood bank was running low, and he has to wait until he can has the 'good stuffs' again.
But y/n must be an angel right sent from heaven for him. She returned his kindness by offering her blood. Her delicious, sweet and tempting blood...


"What are you?" she mumbled. His impressive form was spread out on the white leather couch in the basement, the place he had spent most of his time these two days. His eyes closed. He was sleeping, she figured.

She can't help but admiring his beautiful features lying in front of her. He has been taking care of her, healed her wounds, let her stay in his mansion, provided foods, let her take in charge for his room including his king-size bed. Over a month, he has been there at the most moments she needed him.

There was something about him, something different. She could sense it. His mysterious life was a puzzle for her. Yet he was a gentleman and treated her right. His slight smile on his thin lips, she longed to trace those kissable lips with her fingertips and off course with her lips too. His hands although there were always cold, a pleasant smile on her lips when she took his hands into hers. Then she placed her head down on the top of his hand.

Flashback :

When the sun set and Adam already awake, she was in the kitchen to cook dinner. She cut her finger accidentally, she gasped and dropped the knife she had been using to chop vegetables. Adam took notice and bolt in to see what happen. When he saw blood on her finger, his eyes got widen. He took her finger, flicked it with his tongue, teasing it into his awaiting mouth. Once it's in there, he sucked it. She didn't know what in her mind at the moment but she found it erotic.

She blinked couple times, while Adam kept his eyes shut. He tasted her blood. Pure and sweet. He can't deny his nature cause it's what he is. His fangs grown, he can't let her saw it. A hungry vampire ready to pounce on his prey. He sprinted and vanished into the room nearby and lock the door, panting, he sank against the door and presenting his fangs to the air. She was beyond delicious, she doesn't smoke, never touched drugs, and never drink alcohol. What a perfect little angel she is.

Adam left her alone in the kitchen, wondering not for his erotic way, but the wound on her finger was healed, leaving a thin line of scar. How come?

There was no explanation needed, saliva from vampire is known to have healing powers. It can completely heal minor wounds in a matter of seconds.

End of flashback.

Adam was avoiding her as the best he could, he locked his self in the basement, occupied with his instruments. When he got bored, he tried to sleep but he can't. Adam attempted to sleep that night, for he would need his energy and a cool head but most of all-he had to be able to control himself. How can he sleep, it was dark outside, He was a vampire, after all, an eerie creature of the night. But he was barely can sleep during the day either. He couldn't find some sleep himself, no matter how hard he tried. He kept forcing his eyes shut, turning restlessly on his white couch but whatever he did, he remained awake.

He just closed his eyes for ten minutes and when he sensed a human presence near, Adam snapped his eyes open.

There she was, there are not many who can sneak up on him. Her head dropped down on the top of his hand. Adam involuntarily held his breath for a second. He can felt her porcelain skin on his hand, she was tremendously beautiful. She was kidnap by those bastard trafficker, he bet they would sold her into prostitutions. He thought silently.

IMAGINE (Loki, Adam, Tom, Thomas Sharpe) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now