Comfort (Loki)

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No response.

He found you sat alone. Dwelling in thoughts. "Y/N?" he called out once more. You sat still, don't even realize he was coming on your way.

"Something wrong?" Loki's voice got you out of thoughts. He entered the front door and was walking towards you. He visited you.


He sat next to you and patted your back gently. "Don't nothing me where there obviously is something." He knew you too well and he can tell something was bothering you.

You put your hands on your face, clearly avoiding his gaze and he knew it. You were drowning into certain mix feelings, anxiety, discomfort, malevolence. You know there was nothing to be jealous of. An illogical-irrational jealousy. And you keep on repeating that on your head. You knew you do not usually feel like this. You are not being yourself.

"Y/N, You know you can tell me everything. I'm your friend, right." You nodded slightly.

He pulled you closer, embraced you in his warm hug. Snuggling in his chest you took a deep breath and talked what you were feeling.

You kept your head close to his chest that you almost could hear his melodic heart beats.

"Love..You know you have no reason to be."

"I know, Loki. Their life has nothing to do with me. And their lives are no better than mine. The reputation they have is not something to be proud of. I know I shouldn't.. Oh, I hate myself, Loki. Please help me. Could you fix me" you pleaded and burst out crying over his chest.

You didn't have to explain verbally, he could already read your mind. He saw you struggling against those feelings. He hushed you "I've got you, love. I'm right here" and placed his hand behind your head and cradled it, holding you and pressing you closer. You cling onto him like a lost child and he hold onto you even tighter. Loki started to rock us gently back and forth, trying somehow to calm you a little bit. Loki nuzzled his head into your hair, breathing in your sweet scent. And you were feeling grateful to have him here. Loki, the only person that has this effect on you. There were no words to describe how you love this moment when he is here to protect and comfort you.

You wished to stay forever like this, eventually you pulled away, you saw his shirt now stained with your tears "Sorry about your shirt" you mumbled apologized. "My shirt is fine" he replied. With his fingers, he held up your chin so you were staring at two gorgeous green eyes of him that held compassion and worry for you.

"Look at me Y/n, you are intelligent, caring, independent-"

You put a finger over his beautiful thin lips that soon stop him from rambling "Loki, please I don't mean to be fishing compliments."

Loki chuckled lightly, "My beautiful Y/N, you know I'm telling the truth."

"I guess I'm just need distractions" you said feeling stupid for getting so worked up and emotional, but now talking with him made you felt better.

He smirked at you purposely "I can provide you some 'distractions' "

You shook your head at him "Your distractions are too much, my prince" you shot him back a smirk. "Thank you Loki, I feel much better now. You're my best friend ever" you said softly, smiling at him which he smiled back knowing you are fine.

"My pleasure, love and you know where to find me whenever if you want to talk. I'll always be there for you"

You nodded. It was then that you knew, he would always be there for you to away any tears. You slowly leaning in pressing a quick kiss on his lips. His eyes got widen at your bolt action. I love you Loki. Maybe someday, we could be more than just a best friend, you thought silently. The slight tinge of shade pink on his cheeks appeared, when he read your thought.

IMAGINE (Loki, Adam, Tom, Thomas Sharpe) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now