Loki x Star-Lord (Peter Quill)

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Dilemma Reader x Determine Star-Lord x Mushy desperate Loki

I know it is out of line of the title of the book. Yet I want to write it down.


"We are arriving" you announced to the others.

Baby Groot were sitting on your lap. When raccon stood by your side, Groot jumped to him. You rose to your feet and stretched up slightly after sitting quite long.

"Just another planet with a bunch of pathetic humans" Rocket muttered. You shook your head disagree and bent down "I'm sure not all the same. Do I look one?" you stroke his fur, making him behave like a kitten, that's made you giggled.

"I do not mean it that way, y/n" Rocket looked down.

"No harm done" you said as you walked away. In fact, you really do not remember and do not know where you come from. You assumed you are from Earth, because you hope so, you think of this planet is beautiful.

Peter has contacted The Avengers. And the billionaire Tony Stark generously lent the Avenger's Apron for The Guardians of the Galaxy spaceship. The ship needs a little maintenance somehow and the other crews need to fulfill the lack of some supplies of daily necessities.

You snap your head at Peter who untied his seat belt and soon joined you to walk together. The infamous Star Lord gave you a trademark smirk and winked. Which is adorable you thought and you can't help but smile. He was definetely charming and extremely attractive.

Drax was still sharpening his knife and took last glance at it. For you it was already look extremely sharp "Drax we do not need it yet, there was no criminal need to be slaughter in the Avanger building." He looked at you as you blinked few times "just in case" he whispered.

The whole members of Avengers were waiting to welcome the guests of honor, The Guardian of the Galaxy. One by one the Guardian's members walked in to StarkTower's huge living room.

The philanthropist throw his hands in the air warmly greeted Peter "Finally the legendary outlaw of the galaxy, how's the space dude?" They shake hands and hug lightly "Pretty fine and thanks for letting us land here."

"Don't mention it." Tony introduced him and the rest to the Avengers. Some of them were familiar. And you were the last who entered the room.

Tony snapped his head back "And this is-" He gasped as well as the others, he took one step backward, there was silence for a moment.

Tense filled the air. Peter decided to break the silence. Peter did not hesitate to wrap his hand around your waist "This is Y/N. she is my co-pilot, the newest and let me say sweetest guardian of the galaxy member."

He did his best to teach you how to fly the spaceship, how to work the gadget on his ship and tell you all the customs of each planet. And from being with him every day. It didn't take long for you to grow attached to him. You smiled at Peter, gave him a look, and shook your head at his unnecessary compliment "It's an honor to meet you all" you said to the Avengers.

Loki, who was previously less interested in this introductory event suddenly rose from his chair. How could he forget the melodious voice of the woman who loved him without questioning him. He stood, involuntarily held his breath for a second and stared at you intently. You looked like her, sound like her, he thought. Those beautiful eyes that always makes him forget about any sorrow. The woman that he love more than his own life, than the throne of Asgard, and he would give up everything just to have her back on his life. But...something in your eyes tells him you are not the same as you were.

A man with shoulder black hair length and pale white skin rose from his seat and his piercing green eyes landed directly on you as the same time you looked at him. There was sadness implicit in his eyes. There was something more in his eyes but you cannot tell what it is.

IMAGINE (Loki, Adam, Tom, Thomas Sharpe) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now