Flirt (Tom)

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"We are here" Tom said as after he parked his car in the parking lot and untied the seat belt. In front of us was the two stories building where Casey gets his music courses. Casey was the first out of the car. Tom held on to Casey's hand to cross the street and walk towards into the building.

The sound of kids running around filled the air. "Well, Casey leads the way to your class!" Tom said look down at her, once their entered.

"Just straight ahead and then turn left" the little girl replied nonchalantly.

After a left turn, Tom stops his steps. The girl looked up, feeling curious. "Is the woman over there your teacher?"

The girl stared at him as if she could almost see his mind working. "If I tell you, would you promise not to break her heart?" her child-like voice causing Tom to freeze. This little girl seemed more mature than her age, Tom thought as he tried to cover his astonishment.

Tom lowered his high so they were at eye level. He parted his lips as though to say something or to take a deep breath, but Casey has let go of his hand and quickly running her way to her tutor.

She was standing there so gorgeous and was greeting her students one by one that each parent has escorted them into the class.

"Good morning, Casey" she said.

"Good morning Miss y/n" Casey replied happily and walked inside the classroom.

Tom ran his hand through his hair to straighten it out a bit. Actually he is being nervous at that time. His heart began to race. I am Tom the fucking perfect Hiddleston, I can do this, he encouraged himself. Tom definately upped the charm as he went forward to her, hands shoved in his pockets, his entire body language internally screamed nervousness.

"Hi" he finally said his first word awkwardly.

She snapped her head at the voice startled, and a gentle breeze blew from the window lifted her front hair and floated in front of her eyes, hiding her vision

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She snapped her head at the voice startled, and a gentle breeze blew from the window lifted her front hair and floated in front of her eyes, hiding her vision. But then she moved her fingers to brush it aside as she stared at him. A man in black coat with dark red tshirt underneath and black jeans was standing in front of her. "Yes?" her voice so soft, so hypnotizing.

He's tall, blue-eyed and athletic, with a deep chest and an even deeper voice, she thought.

Tom involuntarily held his breath for a second. The woman in front of him even more beautiful when viewed closely. She had the perfect porcelain skin, delicate features, pretty eyes, and she has minimal make-up on that made her naturally beautiful.

"I- I brought Casey." Tom said in a very charming British accent.

"Oh, right. I'm y/n." she said with Asian English accent. She held out her hand to shake with his.

"I'm Tom Hiddleston" his charming smile is one that would win lots of hearts easily. Her hand met his hand, he could feel how soft her hand was as their fingers wrapped around each other.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. It's my pleasure to meet you. " Tom flirted. He highly desired to plant a kiss on the back of her hand, but he thought it would be inelegant near the kids and other parents.

She smiled, blushed slightly.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Hiddleston." She greeted back.

"Sorry, are you Casey's music teacher?" he asked.

"Not really, I'm Miss (Teacher name)'s assistant. Apparently she will come a little late. So I'm here to fill the study time for a while" she clarified. 

He's lost in her eyes while she explained the situation.

She waved her hand in front of his face "Mr. Hiddleston? Are you alright?" she raised her eyebrow.

"Oh...yes, sorry, I..." he rambled as his face turned pink. He looked down for a moment to hide his embarrassment. Obvious she has caught him off guard. 

"Excuse me, I have a class to catch up. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Hiddleston" she eventually said in well-mannered as possible dismiss herself from their little talk. She was about to turn around until he stopped her, crying out her name "Miss y/n"

She felt curious and looked at him "Yes?" her heart skip a beat.

"It would be wonderful if we could go for a lunch or coffee some times." He'd be pushing his luck.

"I really appreciate the offer. But I'm afraid I cannot grant your wish." She declined his invitation as polite as she could.

He can swoon a woman merely by unleashing one of his scorching glances, but it seemed now it didn't affect on her.

"Perhaps may I know your number?" he gave her an adorable smile, making her knees go weak. The handsome British seemed hell bent on making this difficult for her.

"That wouldn't be professional of me, Mr. Hiddleston." although he was irresistable handsome, she didn't want to risk losing her job.

Tom raised his eyebrow slightly. "You seem a great guy, but it wouldn't be wise to have appointment with the student's parent outside the class hours. If I would say you are a married man."

Tom shook his head "Oh, please let me be clear, I'm not the father. I am Casey's uncle."

She gazed at him stunned. She has misunderstood him. She signed on an apology look. "My apologize Mr. Hiddleston."

He felt relief and chuckled lightly "It's alright. No offend. You could see I'm single.  There's no ring on my finger" he showed his ring finger at her, she was amused at his comment. Oh, how he not love that gorgeous laugh from her.

A smirk appeared on his lips "please say yes" his blue ocean eyes made her heart melt and she blushed slightly.

"I'll give it a thought."


Later that afternoon, his little niece handed him a piece of note which is folded neatly. Tom was excited to open it. He grinned widely at the paper. And he didn't waste more time to call her. 

IMAGINE (Loki, Adam, Tom, Thomas Sharpe) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now