Injured God (Loki)

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Today was a clear day where no mission needs to be completed. Couple days ago there was a big mission causing one of the Avenger's member was hurt and was now in the hospital. You haven't had a chance to visit him yet until today you decided to.

Loki, the raven-haired God, ex prince, (is he still hold that title by the way?) was the who getting injured during the fight and you have no idea how bad the wound was. In fact being a God still could get injured. Never mind.

You arrived and welcomed by the God of Thunder with his sleepy early morning face.

"Good morning Lady Y/n, what bring you here so early?"

"Good morning Thor."

"Please come in." he said as you step inside and saw how huge and luxury the room was. Stark was more than a big name, but shareholders in the hospital.

"I came to see Loki, how is he?" you half whispered not wanting to wake up the other God in the room and you have ever in one mission with these Gods. "He's good, he's improving. Don't worry." the blonde assured and gave you a big grin smile that you have no idea what it means.

Okay you admitted to yourself that you were kind of worry of Loki. But thats it. You nodded and signed of relief knowing that in fact he was a God, half Asgardian, and he has the ability to heal faster than mortals.

"You looked tired, Thor." you said as he rubbed the back of his neck and yawned.

"Go home, have shower and get some sleep. And you'll feel more fresh. I'll be here to watch on him." Thor looked at you and he has little doubt, yet not because he didn't trust you to take care of his only brother. But his adopted brother was not an easy person to deal with and Thor worried that Loki will trouble the young and fair maiden in front of him.

Thor looked at the sleeping figure on the bed and thought for a moment. He didn't want you to get trouble yet he indeed need a break. "Worry not Thor, I'll take good care of him." you smiled at the man who looked worry like an anxious father.

Thor let out a light chuckle "Please don't misunderstood lady y/n. I know you are more than capable to take good care of my brother, I have no doubt about that. It's just... Loki will gave you lots of trouble, he could be quite stubborn sometime."

"I'm sure I can handle him." you said calm and convincing.

Thor nodded to your statement "Okay then, I'll leave him to you. Give me a call if he troubles you."

"I will." What's so hard about taking care of this one man? You thought.

*time passed by*

When Loki waked up, he confused where did his brother went off instead a Midgardian woman was sitting on the couch flipping through a magazine.

Knowing that the second son of Odin was awake you approached his bed. "Hello Loki."

He smiled faintly, his face straining with the effort of doing so. "Hello, (y/n)." You helped him to sit up, fixed up the pillow so he could leans his back against them.

His eyes scanned the surroundings questioning, "Where is Thor? Did he send you?"

You shook your head, "No, I came here to visit you. He looked pretty weary so I told him to go home and took a break."

"So you are going to babysit me like helpless young offspring??"

By now you were sat next to him. You rolled your eyes to his unnecessary half question and half statement.

"I believe it calls a baby. You're going stuck with me for a while. And I believe it doesn't really necessary to treat you like one."

"How are you feeling?"

IMAGINE (Loki, Adam, Tom, Thomas Sharpe) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now