Pregnant (Mrs. Sharpe)

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Warning : smut

Thomas has spending all his hours working on his mining equipment or in his workshop. You believe Thomas, your husband, he will be a great Engineer one day, modernizing the entire world with his inventions. Thomas and you hardly spend time together anymore because of his busy schedule. And you were never complaining. The only time we see each other is at dinner. He slept late and woke up earlier before you. Just a simple laid a hand on your cheeks or passing good night kiss on your temple before sleep to show his affection.

It was worthy, his dream to perfecting his mining machinery was accomplish, He was able to turn a profit from its operations and the project managed to attract investors to invest their fund. You were very proud of him.

Everything was become more perfect when you missed your monthly period, you wanted to tell him. You were wondering exactly what to say, what his immediate reaction will be, and how he'll cope with the idea of becoming a father.

It had been weeks since you found out. You sighed frustrated as you think about it. You were nervous. You really couldn't put if off any longer, and so you made your plan to reveal this big news at dinner.

You fidgeted your nerves out all during eating, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. You were thoughtless about what Thomas has been talking during the dinner session. Your mind wandered somewhere else.

It was a habit, Lucille will serve tea at the end of the dinner, Thomas and Lucille shared a quick glance as she put the cup in front of you.

You were staring senseless at your foods on your plate. Until Thomas were calling your name and brought you back to earth.

You looked up and found both of them were staring at you "I'm sorry Thomas, what did you say?" you faked a smile.

"I asked you if there is something the matter, Y/N darling? Yesterday you said you wanted to talk about something." He repeated kindly.

"I..... I'm pregnant." You finally burst out.

Lucille near flipped out of her seat because of your sudden outburst news.

Thomas choked on his tea.

" mean we are expecting?" you nodded, feeling unsure of his reaction.

"This is wonderful news my love!" he said squeezed your hand smiling.

"I've wanted this for quite some time now." Thomas was delighted, proud to become a father.


"Of course. You are my beautiful wife and now you are bearing my child. My life couldn't be any more complete." You sighed in relief, smiled at his sweet words and kissed him deeply.

Thomas took a moment looking at you. You are the most beautiful woman that he ever seen. He is grateful to meet you as made you as his wife, you are the best thing that has ever happen to him. You are confident, intelligent and secure woman.

Your generosity to rebuild the mansion, you even contributed on the several part of house designs with his approval, you managed to hire housekeepers to help Lucille maintains the house. It was all came from your idea.

You were the first wife to show an intense interest in his mechanical aptitude. You managed to help convince some investors to invest an amount of money to finance the mining invention project.

"Thomas," Lucille called draw her brother attention "I believe Lady Y/N needs more rest," Thomas eyes carefully looked you over, a small crease of concern between his eyebrows.

"I agree." He said setting his napkin beside his plate.

You drank the tea that Lucille has served for you. That will be impolite if you ignored it.

IMAGINE (Loki, Adam, Tom, Thomas Sharpe) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now