Sir Thomas Sharpe 4

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You closed your book on your lap and took your glasses off. A flash back in your mind when he told you story for what happened before he died, when his sister killed him, and after he died. You sighed. His words kept echoing in your head.

I died in this house and when I died, I never saw such a light. I did not go where everyone else went. Because I lived a horrible life. A life full of sin. I'm an unworthy, tainted soul. There is no penance for me. I'm bound here for eternity.

You tried to comfort him and gave him  sympathetic smile, Thomas, God not only forgives our sins. But removes them completely. All you have to is simply giving up your doubts and your feelings of guilt and resting in His promises of forgiveness. You slowly lay your palms gently on his cheeks. You can felt him, like he was really here. Alive. Cold. His expression unreadable. Thomas, don't do this to yourself, don't carry the weight of such hurt with you. Forgive yourself and forgive your sister, whatever she has made to you. Thomas carefully lifted his ghostly hands to hold onto your wrist as you held onto him. Thomas said nothing his eyes fluttering shut, just leaned into the palms of your hands and delicate fingertips, creating friction that instantly made you go to cloud nine.

Thomas POV

You saw her every mornings, she would be come around your burying ground for a moment. She was praying. You approached her to close the distance and listen for her soft voice like music to your ears. "Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord. And let the perpetual light shine upon him. And may the soul of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen." She prayed the short Eternal Rest prayer for you. The last time you can remember, Edith prayed when she buried you here.

Before she sleeps in the night, she would kneel down beside her bed and folds her hands. Muttering something underneath her breathe. You felt curios and you took a place beside her, folds your hands, again she was praying.

....O most compassionate Jesus, have mercy on the souls...Mercifully hear their sighs, look with pity upon the tears...Release them from the pains due to their sins. Refresh and revive the lost souls who suffer here. Stretch out them Thy strong right hand, and bring them forth into the place of refreshment, light and peace. Call them and admit them to Thy most sweet embrace in Paradise. Amen.

A single tears escaped from your eyes. No one ever did that for you. You were no one but she always prayed for you. Elena, the name which means lights. A young woman who brought sunlight into the darkness of Alledale Hall. She appears for you, when you need her most. She lifts you up, reminding you of the best, even when you're going through the worst. She is not just a friend, she is an Earth Angel.

She regularly when out. She dressed well and decently. Elena, where are you going? Church, she said simply. I will come back before you could even miss me, she said. If you could blush, you will blush. She is adorable and you are in awe. You would waiting for her like a lost puppy, when she came home, you felt happy to see her, she always brought fresh new roses and placed them on your 'resting place'.

"Are those your fav?" you inquired to her. "Not quite." She said flat. "A bouquet of white rose is a perfect way to say I'm thinking of you." she replied without looking at you but you know she blushed.


Your Father POV

Why the hell the lights suddenly went out. You took out your cellphone and turn on the flash light. You asked someone to have a check on the electricity grid, took out some emergency lights supply, and check on whether there was a generator provide for this mansion. Then you realized that your daughter was nowhere to be seen. You frantically called out her name and the situation began went out of control.

Your POV

It was not really late yet but you were drowsy, so you decided go to bed eventually. All of a sudden, the lights went out. It was extremely dark, you barely see your own hands. The only slight light coming from the half moon outside the window. The darkness creating a high level of silence in the room. You sat still on the edge of the bed and sense ghost unfamiliar nearby. The Spirit that has not crossed over, but this certainly not Thomas. Your heart pounding hard. It feels as though there is a sledge hammer in your chest pounding back and forth. You can hear and feel the every single beat. Keep calm, keep calm, you kept repeating that like a mantra. The feeling of being watched leave you with an eerie feeling, and make you uncomfortable. This pretty much like experiencing paranormal activity, you thought.

Thomas POV

Divagate on back yard, and suddenly the lights in the mansion went out. Very unusual things. You remember Elena was in the house and went in to check on her. Silence filled the air before you heard a loud terrified scream from her. You were dead, but if you had a beating heart, it would have leapt. You have to get to her as soon as possible. But what if? What if something happened to her. No, no, you instantly flushed off that thought. Lucille was no longer here. She was burned in hell and she deserved hell. But If she was here, you would not let the history repeated this time. You know you would do anything for her. Elena will be just completely fine. As seconds passed, your frustrations built up swiftly, along with of anger, fear and anxiety. Elena...

To be continued...

IMAGINE (Loki, Adam, Tom, Thomas Sharpe) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now