First meet 1 (Sharpe)

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Request by WriterGirlme
Reader x Thomas x Lucille.

Lucille and Thomas Sharpe are normal siblings in normal life. No murders happen and no ghosts in this story.


You throw your gaze out of the window from your cozy room, it was lovely sunny day. It was good for go for a nice long walk or swimming. But you were too slothful to drag your feet out from your comfy room. While stare blankly at your screen, nothing came up, you were stuck. You need a break, you demand to refresh your mind, you craved ideas that you could use on whatever you currently write on.

Your eyes landed on whatever the stack of papers in front of you and found an unopened envelope, you wondered as you flip its back written on Sharpe. Your family was friend to Sharpe's. You ever once wrote a letter to them that you almost forgotten and it seemed they wrote you back and you were curious.

Lady Lucille Sharpe, she does have a good handwriting and her British accent that you always admired on. She was like a sister for you although you only met her once when she visited your family.
The letter was more about invitation and she attached a picture in it, how could you forget her. She was beautiful with the background of huge vintage mansion. As you admired the picture, your mind wandered to England where they lived on perhaps it's that exactly what you need.

Spending hours on flight were quite draining your energy. Arriving at one of them international airport, you glances here and there, Lucille said there will be someone who pick up. Yet you know none the person. Then a voice called out your last name from a distance, brought you back down to earth. You snapped your head an instant to look at it.

You saw a tall man walked gracefully towards you, in all black, expect for his collar, and he was *cough* extremely good looking. His black haired curled, and the most hypnotizing about the pale man was his green lucid eyes. Raising your eyes you were brought face to face with a pair of eyes which is added to his breathtaking handsome form and his sharply chiseled jaw shaped his cunning appearance.

Suddenly realizing you were staring at him, a soft smile across his face, causing you to lower your head in embarrassment.

"Greetings Miss (Last Name)" his thick British accent on his voice flutter your heartbeat. You nodded as he slightly raising his hat from his head.

He must be Sharpe's, you thought. You met his eyes and smiled at him. "It's an honor to meet you. I'm Thomas. Lucille's brother." He said as he smiled back. You surely knew Lucille has a sibling, but haven't met him yet until now.

"It's great to finally meet you." you replied.

"I've heard such great things about you." you blushed at his words. You wondered what Lucille had spoken of you.

We all stand there, uncomfortable with each other for a moment, awkwardly smiling. Thomas took your belongings and broke the silence. "Please, let me do the favor to escort you. I'm sure Lucille must be looking forward to your arrival by now."

You mouthed him thank you as he let you walked first and he followed after. He opened the car's door for you like a gentleman and closed it soon after.

You turned your head and glanced out the street side window's car. Autumn in London usually rainy season. You were not prepared for the wet weather. The temperatures began to drop sharply in October. You began to regret for not using enough layers on.

You slightly shivered against the cold air. You rub your hands together for several seconds to warm them up. Thomas stole a glance at your direction, afterward he pulled over on side of the road and stopped. He took off his coat and leaned forward to drape it gently around your shoulders. You raised your flushed red face and let your heart settle for a moment before muttering Thank you. He nodded and turned on the engine, tracing the road that began to wet due to drizzle.

You started thinking if you came in the wrong weather. As if he could read your thoughts, "There's a saying in England ; There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing."

"Very well said indeed, Sir Thomas."

"Thomas please, I think we're past the formalities by now."

Along the road we exchanged stories and got to know each other more. Thomas was a kind man; You had able to tell that after half an hour of knowing him. And he was a great optimistic Engineer, he built machines, he determined to create a better future with his inventions. You were smitten by this exotic British baronet at first sight.

The fresh air, the notion of freedom, all helped calm your nerves. The afternoon rain smell sweeter impatience lured you to slumber. The time passed quickly as he announced that we are almost arrived and fortunately the rain has stopped.

Cocking your head aside you can't help but smiled, Britain is home to some of the most charming, heart-melting villages in the world. And you can't hardly wait.

The car stopped right in front of the great high fence and someone opened it for us to enter.

As soon as the car entered, you saw in awe how magnificent the huge mansion was, with design characteristics in Victorian era and the Medieval.

Thomas lightly chuckled at the sight you were spechless while admiring the castle. He opened the front main door welcoming for you to step in."Lucille we're home" he called out his sister.

Lucille appeared down the stairs in swift pace and soon embraced you as she reached the bottom.

"Y/N finally you arrived safely, i was quite worried, the journey that you took was very far to get here."

"I'm fine Lucille. and actually the trip was quite pleasant accompanied by Thomas."

Lucille and Thomas shared a look. "Thank you Thomas for bringing her here safely."

"That was unnecessary Lucille. Our guest must be tired, why are we still letting her stand here, sister?"

"Oh, you're completely right Thomas. Silly me. Come on Y/N, feel at home." Lucille invited you while Thomas dragged your bags upstairs.

The ornate foyer in the castle gives an expansive view. You can see all three floors - you can see the level where the bedrooms are, the attic spaces, and you can see fireplaces through to the great hall in the back. There were old pictures hanging along the stairs that you have no idea who were they.

"The house is very beautiful and elegance Lucille." you compliment.

"It is. You like it?"

You nodded. There were also a vintage grand piano in living room. "Thomas will give you a tour of the mansion if you want." Lucille offered.

"That's very kind of you Lucille. I can't wait." Lucille smiled at your eagerly. You were happy with Thomas as your private tour guide. And you were glad could spend more time with him.

"She's a feisty, isn't she?" Thomas said, smirked at Lucille.

IMAGINE (Loki, Adam, Tom, Thomas Sharpe) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now