Arranged Marriage (Sharpe)

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Requested by WriterGirlme

Sharpe family in normal life. 

Never been thought by you, you are being set up by your parents in what is all-too-commonly known as an arranged marriage. The thought of having your parent choose a viable partner for you makes your skin crawl. The news hit you like a thunder in day time.

You can't believe this, they already had this arrangement even before you were born. What era are living by now? You thought arranged marriage were common throughout the world until the 18th century.

You wanted to argue, but the thought you will never be able to change your parent's mind, so you shut your mouth. So who the lucky guy then? Or should you say the poor guy who will marry you and deal with your pampering side for the rest of his life.

Born on a classic rich business family, you have a maid who take care all your needs, starting from arranging your food portions for the purpose of ideal body weight to attract suitable husband according to your mother. You must have thought your life is full of strict rules that must be obeyed and not be violated. Well you can say that, but actually you're quite of dissident.

Mary, your maid picked out your outfit and do your hair to make sure you look like a proper lady in order to meet your future husband.

"You look extra beautiful today. He is going to flip as soon as he sees you." you rolled your eyes at her unnecessary comment.

"I do not really care whether he is going to flip or faint on the spot."

"Miss, please don't say like that."

You just wanted today to be over soon. You were thinking of messing up this dinner, but your mother definitely will kill you, if you did. You decided to let everything run as is because you don't know what future holds for you.

You mom saw and complimented your looks. You were lost in your thoughts that you almost missed the knock at the door. "They are here," you mom exclaimed.

"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. (family name)." you heard voices of woman and man. You were waiting to greet them in the foyer with a smile plastered on your face. The man you assumed was your future husband. As you studied his feature, a tall man, pale white skin, his black haired curl, a pair of green lucid eyes, sharp chiseled jaw shaped and thin smooth lips. Overall he was in breathtaking handsome form.

Your parents introduced a woman with black hair named Lucille Sharpe and a man beside her to you. He held out his hand and you placed yours into his, he planted a small kiss on the back of your hand.

"I am Sir Thomas Sharpe."

"I am Nikhad L/N. It is nice to meet you acquaintance Sir Sharpe."

"Likewise Miss L/N, but please call me Thomas," he said.

"Only if you call me Nikhad," you said. He chuckled and it was a beautiful sound.

Your mother and Lucille shared a happy look when you and Thomas stared each other for a while. For him, you looked like a vision of beauty, so much for a moment he thought he was in heaven and met an angel.

Their plan was to let you two get to know each other before the marriage. So Thomas and you went out for dinner to the place that have already arranged before.

Such a gentleman, he opened the car's door for you and closed it as soon as you were inside. The driver drove and stopped at a fancy place in London.

Thomas took your arm in his as thought it were the most natural thing in the world, leading you to a table that has reserved. You did not expect to feel the warmth of his arm, yet felt surprise at strong hold and felt the tingling sensation you did at his touch.

IMAGINE (Loki, Adam, Tom, Thomas Sharpe) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now