My Greatest Regret (Loki)

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Loki, once again, visiting Midgard in attempting looking for you. Following Heimdall's guidance, The golden eyes gatekeeper said he will meet you here, Loki was waiting here in the park, the sun shine bright on that afternoon, wind blew breezy, he was sitting on the bench, gazing at children that were playing in the park cheerfully. Loki has no idea how and when he gonna meet you. You were his fiancée. Loki lost you a few years ago because he was a fool. He has been living his life with full regret until today. He waited patiently and sitting gracefully. He crossed his legs at the same time tapping his index finger to his lap.

A two years old boy was running on the park with joyful, the boy has raven black hair and pale skin, it was an ordinary view, Loki thought. But then the young boy tripped and fell to the ground, the child was crying a little sob and at the same time the child's skin turned to blue. He sat up straight instantly, not convinced for what he has seen. Little Jotun on Midgard?

Loki rose to from the bench and walked towards the child. Loki hold the child in his hands and hush him, the child was staring at him, questioning, and surprisingly the young boy has stop crying. The child has beautiful blue eyes. Those blue eyes reminds him of you. How could he ever forget those eyes. Eyes that haunted his dreams.

Still in his blue mode, Loki was examined the little kid, he had these markings across his forehead. Loki and the child hold on many similarities.

The young boy opened his lips as he pointed to where you showed up. "Ma-ma" The young boy said. His child-like voice causing Loki to freeze. You saw your son was been held by a man, but you have not yet seen his face. Loki hasn't turn around his head to you, because he had felt comfortable holding the child at the moment.

The boy asked for down to his feet, he was running towards you. "Mamaa." The boy cried out. "Where were you? Mama was looking for you." you said calmly as you kneeled down and embrace your son right away. You pulled away, the boy gave a little sob, you saw his skin has turned to blue. "What mama told you? Do you still remember?" you said. He nodded as he closed his eyes to concentrate and his blue skin slowly faded. You smiled at your son and rubbed his head. Good boy.

You rose to your feet and saw a figure man walking towards, Loki? Someone that you didn't expected. A man that have broke your heart into pieces. Now he dared to show up here. Your heart beats that fast that you can hardly breath. You can't hide from Loki forever, can you?


Loki's heat skips a beat when your eyes meet his. He predicted you will angry, yell, or snap at him. He thought he will receive a slap from you, one or two slap won't kill him, right? But he was totally wrong.


Your face was emotionless, your voice was calm and confident. But he caught a sadness crack in your voice.

You lowered your gaze at the same level with your son, "Do you want to eat ice cream?" you asked softly. "Yes, mama." You smiled and gave him money "There, you can buy it by yourself." You pointed at ice cream truck that parked at the park. "Thank you mama." The young boy said in excitement, smile and immediately ran away. Loki saw the boy share a similar smile with him.

You turned to face Loki who stands watching your son leave, his eyes never leaving the child. He knew.

"He is certainly undoubtable mine, isn't he?" Loki inquired. You gave him a soft smile and shook your head. "It doesn't matter anymore." You replied, you turned your gaze at your son, he was picking up his ice cream.


"You made it perfectly clear you wanted nothing to do with us when I told you I was with a child."

Your voice was calm. The feeling of guilty enveloped him.

"What is our son name?"

"My son." You corrected. "His adoptive father named him, William which his own middle name."

Loki has repeated the history. Loki was abandoning by his biological father Laufey. Now Loki abandoned his own son. William has his blood heritage.

Fiery green eyes meet yours. "Frigga, does she know?" You nodded. You watched Loki's eyes widened. "I made Frigga promised not to tell you." you said.

You saw William was sitting on the bench now, completely enjoying licking his favorite ice cream.

"William is an unexpected child, unplanned pregnancy, an accident. But for me he is a beautiful accident. He deserved to live, to be born and to be loved. I gave birth to William through c-section surgery. He was a big baby. Yet healthy one. For Odin sake, he is your son."

A single tears escaped from your eyes as you immediately looked away from him. He can't see you like this.

Loki took all the information, yet he was speechless. The silver tongue was running out of words. He has missed throughout the baby life moment he should have been there for.

Loki saw your face, your lips, your eyes, your hair. Your smile that was always so innocent, so true, so genuine. He longed to touch them with his lips. Loki grabbed your wrists, he pulled you close in one swift motion and hugged you tightly almost as he was afraid to let you go. He was letting out short, chopped breaths as he cried. "I'm sorry," he buried his face in your neck. He has missed you so much that it almost tearing him apart, driving him insane. He stroked your hair gently, filling his nose with the sweet scent.

You utterly lost in his mere presence. His scent, intoxicated, enchanting without have to saying any word. He always knew how to make you kneel before him. You almost melted against him, then you remembered of Thomas, you mentality slapped yourself for being so stupid.

"Are you happy with him, y/n?"

"We are. Thomas is my savior."

As you pulled away from him, you were staring into his green eyes. "It's over, Loki. Our story was over before it even started."

"Y/n, I should not have so carelessly abandoned you and our son." He replied, his voice turning husky. You could hear and taste that bitterness there!

"I have been living my live like in hell, full of regret and guilty." Loki wanted nothing more than for things to go back to the way they were.

His hands now holding your shoulder, his eyes stared deep into your oceanic eyes "Please at least let me explain it to you."

"Loki, I will never come back to you. Please stop doing so, you comfort me like this. I really wanna forget all about you."

"Y/N." Thomas called out from behind, you snapped your head to your husband. He walked towards both of you. He held your waist, pulled you closer as he kissed your forehead. "Sorry I'm late." He apologized. You smiled softly at him.

"Darling, are you alright?" Thomas said as you look concerned in his eyes. Thomas was caressing your small bumps belly. You are sure Loki took notice. Thomas cupped your cheeks, looked into your eyes "Darling, you've been crying."

You leaned in Thomas's warm hands, "I'm fine, Thomas. Don't worry."

Loki cleared his throat, evidently his presence there.

"Thomas, this is Loki. Loki, this is Thomas." You said introducing them. They shake hand, there was a moment of awkwardness. Thomas knew Loki was William's biological father.

"Where's William?" Thomas said as he looking around.

"He is sitting there, enjoying his ice cream." You told Thomas. "I'll get him." You added. You sighed in relief leaving those two men. You hoped they are not going to be killing each other.

"If you think you can take William from us. We wouldn't let you." Thomas said sternly to Loki.

Loki knew, he can't take William from them. He has to let his son go, as hard as that is. You are happy and William has a family. It's for the best.

"Don't worry, I will not." Loki answered.

With that, Thomas left him and catch you up. "Pa-pa" William called out and jumped to Thomas. Loki saw Thomas took the little boy in his arms and hold your waists "Darling, let's go home."

IMAGINE (Loki, Adam, Tom, Thomas Sharpe) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now