Sir Thomas Sharpe 3

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After what seemed like a long time, you saw a blurry human-appearing ghost. The apparition appeared quite solid, but you still were able to see objects behind it. The majority of apparitions also contained some colors. The apparition wear black vest and pants, broken-white shirt; has pale white skin, some spots of dried blood stained on his shirt, a scar on the left cheek.

And in no time, the two of you silently staring face-to-face at each other.

You sighed. Thomas?

Thomas didn't want the first one who made a move. He waited for her reaction. Would she flee or scream?

Instead you just keep calmed and enchanting prayers, while trying to find words to start a little conversation. Should you introduce yourself. Ask its name. There is no guarantee that you will get a response, audible or otherwise, but it's worth a try.

You stepped forward. "My name's Elena." You said calm. You exhaled, not knowing you had been keeping your breath in for some time there. You chose your next words carefully. "Is that... your grave on back yard?" He nodded, the first reaction. You sighed. Sir Thomas Sharpe. "Thank you." he said with his hoarse voice "For what you did." He added. You nodded to him. "You're welcome." There's a pause until your father called out your name, then he faded.

You went outside to help your father. Thomas was there, he seemed to glide rather than walk, changed locations without seeming to cross the intervening space, or even floated through the air. Surprisingly, only you who can saw him. Occasionally you'd see Thomas catch a glimpse at you, Jesus, those irresistible eyes, the English baron who lived upon Victorian period. He had his charms.

Thomas was took a brief look at her. She is beautiful, bright, kind, caring, not afraid of the darkness, just like my Edith. But Elena is more, she is judicious and sensible.

"You're quiet." You father interrupts your thoughts. "I'm having a light headache since morning." You said. "You've done enough today. Get some rest, darling." He said wisely. "Yes, father." You said and gave tired smile.

You could feel his presence on your back. His eyes were on you all the time. "Thomas, will you stop watching me." You made your way over to the bathroom, a pair of footsteps echoing after yours, "And stop following me." You glared. He looked irritated. You spoke again, this time gently in your tone, "Mind leaving me while I bathe?" Thomas took a step back, quietly muttering an apology before nodding "My sincerely apologies."

Every morning you found out your window already opened. You can sense Thomas always around, although he sometimes being invisible and your invisible friend always watches from the corner when everybody still exists in the house but when they leave, he will approach and talk with you. You and Thomas become friends, close. If you fall asleep at the desk, exhausted from finishing your report, Thomas would simply wrap a blanket around your shoulder to keep you warm. Thomas always watches you every night while you're asleep, pull up the blanket closer to your chest.

Being a soul, people just walked through pass him. He can moved thing without have to touch it. "Sir Thomas... would you please stop doing such thing, you're going to freak out the others if they see." You whispered. "Sorry, I can't help it, it's a habit." He muttered. For someone else, you might look like talking all by yourself, if they seen, they might think you are insane. "Thomas, I can't talk to you here. People will call me crazy." Your voice was barely audible. Thomas gave you smirk "But you're already talking to me." You rolled your eyes. "Well, I have to stop." His smirk grew cocky. "I doubt you can resist." You groaned. You hate to admit, but Thomas was right. "I very much enjoy your company." He whispered with velvet voice. "Although you won't be with me forever." he continued. "Pardon me." You said to him more audible this time. "I'm like a spider's web; anyone who loves or friends me gets dragged into my troubles and eventually died." Thomas looked concerned as the rain drizzled down. "Do you think I will end up on the same fate like the others?" You turned to gaze at him. "I will not let my sister harm you, never." He said sternly. "And you're more complicated than I thought ghosts would be."

To be continued...

IMAGINE (Loki, Adam, Tom, Thomas Sharpe) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now