Liar Liar, Part One (Remington Leith)

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A/N: Look at him oml
This will also be a two part-er, enjoy!

You pulled up to a house, "This is it!" You smile and hop out, going to your trunk and grabbing your suitcase and bags. You walk up to the door and knock, hearing a "One minute!" come from inside. You were a fill in keyboard player for a band called Palaye Royale, and excited as hell.

A tall man opens the door, he has light blue eye's and haircut that made him look like he was in The Rolling Stones. He smiled, "Are you the keyboard fill in?" You nodded and he hugged you, "Thank you so much for coming on such short notice!"

You laughed, "It's no problem. My name is Y/n." He let you go and grabbed your suit cases for you, "My name is Sebastian. HEY GUYS THE FILL IN IS HERE!" He yelled at what you thought to be the rest of the band.

He set your suitcases down and told you to follow him, you two go to the living room where two other guys sit on the couch. One is watching something on his phone, he had longish hair a strange hat on. He looked very victorian, and you loved it.

The other boy was playing a video game on the T.V. He had black spikey hair, a ripped band tank top and black ripped jeans on. His eye's were so focused on the T.V screen you would think he could jump through it. The boy in the strange hat looked up at you and smiled, "Hi, my name is Emerson." He made his way over to you and Sebastian. You smile and shake his hand, "Y/N."

The boy on the couch glanced at you, then back at his game. "That's Remington." Emerson pointed at his brother and you nod. The boy on the couch sighed over dramatically and quit the game, standing and walking over to all of you.

"Hi, my name is Remington." He waved and you giggled slightly. You got a good look at his face now, and he was cute. His eye's were a deep brown color, and he had red eyeshadow on. You blushed slightly, not being able to take your eye's off his amazing face.

"Y/N. Y/N L/N." You smiled and he nods, looking at his brothers. "Well let's get this show on the road shall we!?" Seb yelled and you giggled again.

You headed out to the car, carrying your suitcases. You keep glancing at Remington, which is walking in front of you. You bite your lip and you hear a deep laugh. You look to Emerson beside you, "You like my brother don't you." He smirks and you blush.

"No, of course not!" You roll you eye's and he just laughed again. "Liar liar pants for hire!" He yelled and you rolled your eye's.

This is gonna be a loooong week...

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