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Two days later, I received a letter from none other than everyone's favorite baguette.
(I know it would have ACTUALLY taken over a month for letters to travel from France to America. Just use your imagination and say Laf had an immortal carrier pigeon or something. You pick)

So good to hear from you! So far, life in France is just as I remembered. My mom though- she won't make it very long
My smile faded as I read the terrible news. Poor Lafayette.
But let's not think about that. You said you punched a man? I'm glad to hear you're not going soft without me.
I laughed at his ridiculous at best, statement.
I hope you're keeping morale high, Alexander. I don't want to come back to New York and see all mes amis have fallen into a state of depression.
Ha. Didn't have to tell me twice. Already got that covered
Anyway, I have a dare for you. You're challenge is to make more friends than me. I must admit, I have a head start. I have so far made 2 friends. One was a lady named Veronica, who was at the doctor's house with my mother. By the looks of it, she was a dead girl walking.
I wonder is Veronica is cute. Wait no she might be deceased as I read this.
The second is a man named Thomas. He reminds me a lot of you, Alex. I think you'd make great friends!
I laughed, ready to take on this friendship challenge. Rubbing my hands together, I finished the letter, which was really just a heartfelt goodbye. Nobody needs to know that.

Sprinting outside, I began my quest to find anyone that shared any interests/ hobbies with me. I must say I had no luck, because honestly, I wouldn't want to talk to me if I saw myself on the street either.

Then I heard some shouting. Well it wasn't shouting, per say, more like signing. I turned the corner, and stopped in my tracks. In front of me we're three GORGEOUS women, yelling about women's rights.

I made my way to them, ready to introduce myself, when Aaron beat me to it. I scoffed, seeing him flirting with the tallest one in the pink dress. Behind him, the other two girls were occupied by others I didn't know.

Screw it...

I walked over to them, and started talking to them.

"Alexander Hamilton" I said to them, kissing the girl in blue's hand. "My name is Alexander Hamilton" she blushed furiously, and I met her eyes and smiled 

"Elizabeth Schuyler. It's a pleasure to meet you"

"Schuyler?" I asked in disbelief. These were the SCHUYLER SISTERS? I had heard rumors that they were beautiful, but not at this attractive.

"Yes," she told me. "That's my sister Angelica..." she directed my gaze to the woman who had been chatting with Burr. She was now making her way over to us. Behind her, Aaron looked quite defeated and was walking away from us.

"And Peggy!" The girl in yellow interrupted.

"Who's this?" The girl, Angelica, asked. Eliza was about to tell her before I stole the spotlight.

"Alexander Hamilton. There's a million things I haven't done. Just you wait..." I sang dramatically. They all laughed, and we continued chatting.

Yes! I thought as day turned to evening, and we all went out to the park. Add three to my total. Eat that Lafayette.

Now don't think like that. I wasn't ONLY happy about meeting the sisters because it added to my total. These were AMAZING women, and frankly, anyone would be lucky to make their acquaintance.

"Daddy said to be home by sundown..." Peggy told her sisters worriedly. Angelica sighed, and started to get up off the park bench.

"We must be going. It was nice meeting you, Alexander." She said, taking her sisters' hands and leading them out of the park. I smiled and waved them away.
Back at home I drafted a letter to Lafayette.
You will not BELIEVE who I met today, Gilly.
I snickered slightly at his nickname. That's what he gets for calling me "Lexi"
Only the most rich and famous women in New York- the Schuyler Sisters.
I wondered if he would know who they were, before shrugging it off and continuing on.
Add three to my friend count, Laf. You know what that means? I'm in first place! And I plan to stay there.
I didn't know what else to write, so I went into a detailed description about each of the sisters.
Angelica is a strong and fierce warrior. She won't let anybody talk bad about anything or anyone she cares about. And she cares most about her other sisters. She is a super feminist (that means she thinks women should have equal rights as men, and it's not man hate like I thought it was), and explained me what it was like to be a woman. For a very long time. She was very passionate about it, and I finally realized what it felt like to talk to ME.
I shuddered at the thought of that. Not that I didn't like Angelica, I just might have to rethink how I go about informing people who are wrong, that they are wrong.
Eliza is a cinnamon bun. She is so trusting of everyone, and is the most kind girl I've ever met. You don't want to mess with her though, because if you slip up, you'll feel the wrath of Angelica and Peggy.
That sounds extremely terrifying, actually. Being on Angelica's bad side.
Peggy is adorable. She's kind of just, THERE, but if you took her out of the equation, it wouldn't be the same. She's like... the glue. The adorable glob of Schuyler glue.
I realized what I was saying, and decided to stop before this got ANY weirder. I said my goodbyes to Laf, sealed the envelope, and put it in the post, ready for another reply.

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