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I'm fairly positive Alexander and Thomas were making out just behind the door, and it made my blood boil.

Thomas shoulda been mine. Alex shouldn't have ever even spoken a word to him. My Thomas. Mine.

I saw Aaron pass by me, the same expression as mine on his face.

"Is the love of your life making out with someone else right now?" I asked him angrily. He just nodded and grumbled, standing next to me.

"Who? Mine is Thomas" I told him, my arms crossed over my chest.

"Wait really? I really like Alex, and, he is currently making out with Thomas" I looked up at him, wonder in my eyes.

"No way" I asked. We were both fangirling a little bit, because we both had the same thought.

"Let's split them up so we can get with our respective lovers?" I asked, as he nodded frivolously. We jumped up and down a couple times, squealed, hugged, and started making a plan to sabotage their relationship.

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