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I awoke to a distant noise. I couldn't make out exactly what it was they were saying, but it was ANGRY.

I tried to look around and see where I was, but my heard wouldn't budge.

"What the..." I mumbled, as I tried to brush the hair out of my face, but to no avail. My hands wouldn't move either. "Uhhh" I groaned, trying, and failing to move any limbs.

"I wouldn't move if I were you" I heard someone mutter. I tried to see who it was, but I couldn't see anything past the front of me.

The voice sounded remotely familiar, but in the "it's so annoying that I cant help but remember it" way...

Wait a minute...

"John Adams?" I said quickly, before a gag was shoved into my mouth. "Mggghnugh" I mumbled incoherently, as I heard loud thumps leading up the stairs until they went quiet.

I sat there, waiting for anything to happen. It was incredibly boring, the silence, but it was nothing compared to the thought of what was to come.

What would happen to me? Who would tell my story? Hopefully Thomas, but what if he didn't even care that much? Is anybody even coming for me? Will I be locked away with John Adams for the rest of my, maybe short life? Will-


"Whngwstnt" I tried to say.

"Alexander? Alex?" I heard someone cry. I perked up when I recognized the voice.

"THMNGS" I screamed, hoping it would be recognized as his name.

Fortunately, I quickly heard another shout, and then someone else coming down the stairs.

"Alexander? Alexander? Babe! Babe!!!" Thomas was yelling as he sprinted down the stairs. There were tears streaming down my face.

He quickly un gagged me and kissed my cheek.

"Babe I was so so so worried" he mumbled, as he was untying the ropes. I was still crying a bit, and his face wasn't dry.

"It's ok Tommy, I'm ok" I said, trying to reassure my crying boyfriend. There was another sudden thump from upstairs.

"Who all is up there?" I asked, worried for Thomas. He chuckled.

"Well there's John Adams, as you probably know. He is you captor" he said, and I nodded. "There's John Laurens"

"You brought a pregnant man to help rescue me?" I asked, not raising my voice, but still judging fiercely. He shrugged.

"Then there's Samuel and Charles... Charles kidnapped you by the way" I gasped "but he felt so guilty that he led us here, and is helping take down the bad guy" I still didn't trust him, but it was better than knowing both my captor, my kidnapper, and his boyfriend were hostile upstairs with my pregnant best friend.

"Jefferson, he's down" John called from upstairs. Thomas quickly finished untying my binds, and ran upstairs, carrying me bridal style.

"I got him" he said, as Lee pushed John Jay to the ground. Apparently, Adams had accomplices.

"This was fucking terrifying, and it has probably taught me no lessons at all" I said quietly, realizing that I had many enemies.

"Maybe you need to learn how to hold your tongue, Alexander" Thomas said, his eyebrows raised. I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed and set me down.

John, Thomas, Charles, Samuel and I were all laughing and walking out of the house, as o suddenly felt very hot.

"Uhhh... babe" I mumbled, now not feeling strong enough to even stand. Thomas panicked and picked me up again.

"Oh my god Alex what's happening? What hurts? Did John even feed you? Did he poison you? What's going on?" He frantically said, speaking a mile a minute.

Thomas turned to John.

"Call literally everyone. The Schuyler's, Lafayette and Herc, Gwash, EVERYONE" he commanded, as John started running away, the best he could.

He was pregnant after all.

"Isn't it crazy that John is literally pregnant" I mumbled, my vision blurring.

"Hang in there babe" Thomas said, panic seeping in his voice. I laughed.

"You're so worried. It's chill bruh"

"Alex what in God's name are you saying? 'Bruh'?" He said. I shrugged.

"He needs medical attention, but we all know how incompetent the doctors here are" Thomas said, carrying me away.

"I have an idea. It's kind iffy but..." Sam spoke up, holding Charles's hand.

"Anything at this point. I don't know what's happening" Thomas whispered, tears once again flooding his eyes.

"Well there was this fairytale that my grandma used to tell me, to help me fall asleep. Because when I was young, I was often afraid of getting sick, or hurt, so she told me the story of the Belso" he said, getting into the details of the magic healer in the woods.

"He would heal the people who couldn't be healed, without a price, because life is the ultimate gift, or some rubbish. All that I remember is that he lives in THOSE woods" he pointed to the dark forest behind the house.

Thomas looked like he had made up his mind immediately.

"WE'RE HERE, WHERE IS ALEXANDER" I heard a cry from somewhere. I dunno. It sounded like Angelica maybe.

"He's here" Thomas shouted weakly. They all crowded around me, trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Maybe he's pregnant" Peggy whispered, before falling silent at a punch by her sister.

"We're taking him to the Belso" Thomas said, standing up and bringing me into the woods. Boy was I worried.

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