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"Daddy said to be home by sundown" my little sister, Peggy informed me for what seemed like the thirtieth time, but was more likely the third. I sighed and started to gather the girls.

"We must be going. It was nice meeting you Alexander." I told him, starting to walk away, Peggy and Eliza in tow.

Then he flashed me a smile. It was the most AMAZING smile I'd ever seen. Like a gazillion stars were all in supernova stage in his mouth. He gave a tiny wave, and the three of us left him, heading for home.

We were about halfway there, in the clear of Alex, when Eliza spoke up.

"That one's mine..."

That shattered a large part of my heart. I wanted him. Badly. I was just about to argue, when I looked down and saw her face. Her helplessly in love face. Her face that instantly made me never want to hurt her by telling her my feelings.

Her eyes were brighter than I'd ever seen them, her smile wider and somehow brighter than Hamilton's, her cheeks heavily tinted red.

I couldn't break her heart.

"You're ship name is Elixander" I told her halfheartedly. They both laughed, and I joined in.

We soon got home from the walk, it nearing dark.

"Where were you three?" My fathers sharp words surprised all of us, none expecting him to be home this early.

"Go upstairs and get ready, I'll deal with this..." I whispered to Eliza and Peggs, who both quickly nodded and walked up to their rooms.

I turned to my fathers angry gaze.

"Um..." I quickly thought of an excuse, knowing just being at the park wasn't reason enough to be out this late.
"We had gone to the library. Peggy forgot to return one of her books the other day" I lied.

His stare softened. He believed it.

"Go up to your room and change for bed. Tomorrow you'll be home earlier, or serious consequences will follow" he told me strictly.

I breathed out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding, and walked upstairs. Today must have been a good day at work, because usually I wouldn't have gotten off so easy.

I had changed into my bed clothes, and washed my face before I went to check up on Peggy and Eliza. Peggy looked like a corpse on her bed. I chuckled at the sight.

Eliza, on the other hand, hadn't even started preparing for bed, and instead was scribbling furiously away at a note, probably to Alexander.

"Let's form a Harem"

She ignored me.

"I'm just saying, if you really loved me you would share him"

"HA" was her response, and she didn't even look up from the parchment.

I sighed, walking to my bed, leaving her be.

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