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God I feel terrible. Thomas is to my right, panicking, Charles is to my left, silent tears streaming down his cheeks, his hand pressed into mine, and John to Thomas's left, filling the deafening silence with small talk about the baby.

"And the baby kicked! It KICKED" he said excitedly, looking for our reactions, before falling quiet, realizing it might not be appropriate to be talking about that while Alex is in peril.

"John Adams should be in here" Charles said, leading us to the front of a house. It was a quaint little townhouse, that definitely didn't seem like the home of a kidnapper.

It was a dark house, none of the candles lit, all the curtains drawn. I couldn't see anything, except the stars in the sky that illuminated the front door.

"It's... nice?" John said, when he walked up to it. "Peggy and I should invest in a house like this" he mumbled, timidly walking closer to the house.

Everyone, including me, was walking slowly, until Thomas lost it and sprinted up to the door.


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