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James and I made a plan. And it was a good one. It took us a week to completely formulate a plan, and in said week, Alexander and Thomas had only gotten closer.

We were not fond of this, but it had to happen.

Step 1) Separate them.
Now this step seems harder than it looks. They were conjoined at the waist. Or thats what it seemed like.

What we did was pretty genius.

I walked up to Alexander after a meeting. He didn't notice me approach, because he had his tongue so deep in Thomas's mouth, he could taste what Jefferson had had for breakfast that morning.

"Yo Alexander" I said. He quickly turned around, his face flushed red, and a thread of saliva connecting his mouth to Thomas's.

"I was told to give this to you" I handed him a letter. He read it quickly, and pecked Thomas quickly on the lips. He quickly ran off, but not before explaining to his lover where he was going.

We had to separate them for at least a whole day, which would be hard, unless we happened to forge a letter saying he was needed, all the way in Virginia.

I also might have paid my cousin, Jason Dean, to keep him busy for a few days. The psycho gladly agreed to occupy the man.

"Hey..." Thomas mumbled to me and waved a little bit, before walking away towards his office.

Step 2) Force Thomas into having an affair with Madison

James walked up to Thomas, his eyes filled with lust. We knew how big of a flirt Thomas was, and how he couldn't turn down James.

"I need you in my office" James whispered into his ear. Thomas looked confused, but followed. The door slammed shut, and I waited outside.

Moments later, a confused Jefferson walked out again, giving me a weird look, and James came out, looking ashamed.

"I freaked, Aaron" he mumbled. "I couldn't do it" he held his head in his hands, and I awkwardly patted his back, trying to comfort him.

"It's ok?" I told him uncertainly, not knowing how to help the crying man.

Step 3) publish the affair, and have Hamilton despise Jefferson.

"Well there goes our master plan" I heard Madison say under his breath.

"Hey" I said, bringing his chin up to my level. "It'll work out. Everything will be OK" I told him. He wiped his eye, and smiled. It was really really adorable.




"Thanks Aaron"


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