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Bro I was about to continue something minor with John Adams, when I remembered how much I despise doing work, so I decided to reread everything, and then I read the last part and realized I had literally forgotten about the fact that I made Alexander get knocked out. I'm a genius, I know. It's not like it's only been about 3? 4 hours since I wrote the part.

Now that I stare at the unconscious man in my arms, I'm regretting my decision. Only a little bit though. This Alexander guy seemed like a loser, from what Adams told me. He grumbled a bit, and turned to the right, when I realized I had to get him out of the bathroom, without his boyfriend, best friend, or woman he confides in noticing.

"This plan is lacking a certain... finesse" I mumble, dragging Alexander around the bathroom, hoping to find a window we can escape out of. Lucky for me, and unlucky for Thomas out there, I do end up finding a window, and I do end up shoving Hamilton's much too small frame out into the open air.

"Thomas needs to feed you more..." I mumble to nobody, still trying to vault myself up and out of the restaurant.

I'm not kidnaping the Treasury Secretary for any reasons besides money. Sure, I was hired by John Adams to do it because Adams is a homophobic jerk, who thinks he will solve every problem if he murders a member of Washington's Cabinet in a back alley, but I'm only doing the job because I need more money if I'm going to support Sammy and myself.

"I'm doing this for you babe" I mutter, as I drop Hamilton's body in the forest behind the restaurant. This was the extent of my job. Adams was supposed to pick him up here, and I was done.

"You have him?" I heard from behind me. Even though I was expecting it, I was scared shitless.

"Yeah..." I said, after my heart stopped beating a mile a minute. Funny, I was worried I was about to be kidnapped or something. Heh.

I subconsciously fiddled with the charm bracelet Sammy gave me, when Adams continued to speak.

"Great. Here's the money" he said begrudgingly, forking over a stack of twenties (or whatever currency they used. Pence?). Almost a thousand dollars.

"Like we're having an affair" I laughed under my breath. Somehow John heard me, and gasped.

"I would NEVER cheat on my Abby! Let alone with a MAN" he was seriously offended. I gave him a look, basically saying 'I'm done with this, just take the unconscious man please'. He seemed to catch my drift.

"Nice work, Lee" he said, reaching his hand out for me to shake. I did, with a moment of hesitation. Hamilton groaned on the ground, and shuffled a bit, and John backed up and looked down.

"Good night, Charles" he said, as I started walking away.  "Heheheh..." he laughed ominously. I turned again, seeing Alexander on the ground. My gut wrenched.

What have I done?

Alright so I got an idea enough idea that I REALLY WANt to pursue it, but I don't like leaving stories unfinished (but if you do, and have a legitimate reason, there is absolutely no problem with that) so I'm going to finish this, but the chapters may or may not get shorter and shorter, as I try to move the plot along.

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